

"Of course, it is your choice. But you can at least have a sip since I took the effort to pour you one myself." Shu Rushi insisted, and continued when Zhang Liling didn't respond.

"If you are afraid that I poisoned the drink, I'm sure everyone saw me take out a new glass and pour the whiskey, and can attest to that." 

Finally, Zhang Liling responded with an unfazed gaze. "I also saw you pour the whiskey and I'm very sure you didn't play any tricks. No matter what you tell me, I don't want to drink."

Shu Rushi smiled meaningfully and withdrew her hand. When everyone thought she would go back to her seat, she dared Zhang Liling with her words.

"I see, it looks like Miss Zhang can not hold her liquor, and is scared of embarrassing herself."

As she said that, a good number of the youths in the room, roared in laughter, but Zhang Liling was the least bothered about their mockery.

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