
The Twelve Levels #279

"I heard a loud commotion outside..." Kara said with a smile, leaning on my room's door as she waited in the hallway. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you..?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Nah, I just got out to get a couple bags of these..." I replied with a shrug as I took out a bag of dried Aeolian fruit. "What are you doing up so late, anyway...?" I asked, changing the subject.

Kara probably already knew what I did since she was waiting for me here, but I still didn't admit it. I might like showing off now and then, but everything has a time and a place, and this wasn't it.

"I don't really need to sleep that often, and tomorrow is our last day here..." Kara said, trailing off at the end of her sentence. "I thought we could spend the night out or something..." She concluded, pausing as she waited for a reply.

"I was thinking the same thing..." I said with a smile. "But I think we've seen enough of the city. How about checking out the forests outside it...?" I added.

We did see almost eveything worth seeing in the city, and it probably didn't look that pleasing to the eyes, what with the giant crater in its center and punch of collapsed buildings.

I was a little tired since separating World Killer from Metaoln took a lot out of me. It's why I didn't do it earlier, but I digress. I still had enough energy for some sightseeing.

"Sounds good," Kara said, nodding as she stopped leaning on the door frame. "I'm ready to go whenever you are..." She concluded as she approached me, knowing I had everything I'd ever need on me at all times, thanks to my inventory.

"No time like the present. Let's go,"


"Well, that was boring..." I said, scratching my head as I sat beside Kara while we waited for my intelligence test results. "I don't know what I was expecting, but that wasn't it..." I added with a sigh.

The intelligence level test was surprisingly simple for something the Coluans (Brainiac's people) created and was said to measure and compare intelligence levels on a cosmic scale.

It consisted of a set of tests that ranged in difficulty from something a dog would solve to something that would make even someone like Newton questions his existence, and not in a good way.

It had simple math questions and complicated equations, testing not only acquired knowledge but the testee's innate ability to learn new things and process information while solving unfamiliar queries.

"It's an intelligence test... it's supposed to be boring..." Kara said with an exasperated expression as she rolled her eyes at me. "Still, by the looks, everyone was giving you when you got out of the test room, I'd say you did well..." She added, giving me a side glance.

I was ready to quip back, but I had to hold it in as one of the Aeolian scientists residing over the tests approached with a strange expression, a sealed envelope in hand.

"Grayson Whitlock of Earth, here are your test results..." The Aeolian said as he handed me the envelope, giving me an inspecting look as he looked me up and down, much to my bemusement.

"Feel free to view them at your own leisure," The scientist added, clearing his throat and turning to leave as I gave him a dirty look to let him know I wasn't some exotic zoo creature.

I kept glaring at him until he left before turning to the envelope, chuckling as I felt Kara curiously leaning into me to get a better look. Without delay, I opened it and couldn't help but pause at the result.

"Nine? That's some fucking bullshit..." I said as I opened the envelope, feeling the urge to crumble the paper and incinerate it out of existence with a fireball.

"That's really good, actually," Kara said, her eyes widening. "I honestly expected you to score seven or an eight," She added as she got over her surprise and smiled.

There were twelve levels of recorded intelligence in the universe to put things into perspective, starting from zero, which was the lowest, representing barely or non-sentient beings like plants and animals.

Level one was below the average human, representing sentient but rather dumb creatures like Solomon Grundy and Bizzaro. Level two was the average human, as in regular people like Dick Grayson, AKA Nightwing.

Level three consisted of people with above-average human intellect, like James Gordon and Lois Lane. Level four was considered gifted, but no one comes to mind.

Level five was for the exceptionally gifted people like Victor Stone, AKA Cyborg. Level six was the epitome of human intelligence, representing geniuses like Batman and Lex Luthor.

Level seven was for super geniuses like King Solomon and Captain Marvel. But I highly doubt Billy Batson is in that category, considering how he carried himself and the dumb mistakes he made, but maybe that's just me being too harsh.

Level eight was the highest average for Coluans and included people like Superman and Mr. Majestic. Level nine was the above-average Coluans, and apparently myself, but again, no one else comes to mind.

Level ten was for the gifted Coluans, including people like Vril Dox-2, AKA Brainiac-2, while level eleven was for the exceptionally bright Coluans. However, I can't think of anyone on that particular level.

Finally, level twelve was the highest recorded and tested intelligence. It was supposedly absolute intelligence. According to the records, only one person had that level of intelligence, Brainiac.

Some people claimed to have a higher level of intelligence, like Grax, who said he was a level twenty at some point but never did the test, so he wasn't included in the records.

"And you know, the test isn't exactly perfect..." Kara said, causing me to frown. "It doesn't account for flexible and creative thought process as not many species have that, Coluans included..." She went on, her tone turning serious.

"You know Brainiac is the most intelligent creature alive, and he was the equivalent of a boogyman to Kyrptonias..." Kara continued. "But if you ask Kal who'd he rather fight between Brainiac and Lex Luthor, he'd always choose Brainiac," She concluded with a heavy sigh.

"That's... interesting..." I said after a brief pause as I processed Kara's words. It made sense, in a way. Humans always liked to think they were special, and it shows in almost every work of fiction that had other, more advanced species.

No matter how stronger or smarter the other species, humans would always have that one advantage that would make them rise above the opposition, which was the textbook definition of comic book logic, but you get the idea.

Are the other species super powerful and intelligent, and what's that you say? Do they have very long life spans? That's cool, but can they make rap music and make NFTs? No? Their asses are as good as kicked.

"Well, we did the test, saw everything worth seeing around here..." I said, changing the subject. "And I gotta get back to work before I die, so..." I added with a chuckle.

"I was about to suggest we leave before you found a reason to destroy the rest of the city anyway..." Kara mumbled, causing me to pause as I gave her a confused, wide-eyed stare.

"It's nothing. Come on, let's go..." Kara said with a beaming smile as she held my hand and stood up. "I'm starting to miss metropolis..." She added as she walked toward the building's exit, dragging me behind her.

'Women... can't live with'em, can't live without'em...'



Inside a helicopter heading straight for Infinity Island

"It's unfortunate, but it doesn't seem Mr. Whitlock will be participating in the operation..." Agent Bunndy said after checking the time as he turned to three villains sitting before him.

"Awe, that's a shame..." Harley said with a pout at the agent's words. "I was looking forward to teasing him..." She added in a sulking tone as she twiddled her thumbs.

"But I'll get to kick some ninja ass, so there's still that," The blonde concluded, her expression brightening as her tone resumed its original bubbly characteristics.

"The dumb blonde's antics aside..." Deadshot said as he calmly inspected the rifle in his hand. "We have our instructions. We'll cooperate with your people and clear the area as planned," He added as he loaded a bullet and looked through the scope.

"I'm not dumb, Mr. bullet's for brains mercenary brute..." Harley said as she crossed her arms, sounding incredibly offended. "I'll have ya know that I graduated high school with honors and that I have Ph.D.!" She went on, but everyone turned her a deaf ear.

"Like Deadshot said, mate. We've got this in the bag..." Lady Vic said with a nod. "Make sure none of your lads accidentally shoots one of us in the behind, and we'll be bangin'..." She concluded.


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