

Jonathan almost rushed over there and killed Kyle with his bare hands but when he began making his way over to him he realized that once more they were separated from a glass pane. Jonathan hadn't seen or realized that there was glass in the first place so he began checking the length of it.

As he followed the glass he realized it was a lot bigger than he had ever expected or imagined. The glass made a full square where they had entered placing them all into a tiny little box.

"What is happening?" Jonathan asked in confusion walking over to Kylie and Angela. Barry had left moments earlier to talk to some of the other people he knew in the group to try and figure some things out.

"I'm not sure. These torches go all the way across the wall but stop at each door. There are two others doors besides ours but since the Kill Team is right beside us I don't know what they're used for." Kylie said giving her thoughts so far.

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