

We ventured out through the castle's back gates, passing through the serene world of flourishing gardens and shaded walkways that led us out to the plain field encircling the whole castle grounds, leaving behind the grandeur and opulence that had surrounded us.


The moment we stepped onto the small path, a serene world of flourishing gardens and shaded walkways embraced us. On a normal day, we would leave through the front gate, but since I had taken permission from Matadre, we were free to leave the castle through the back.


As we strolled along the small path, a dense forest emerged before us. Towering trees, their leaves rustling softly in the light breeze, formed a canopy that veiled the sky. The air carried the subtle melody of insects and the rhythmic patter of small woodland creatures, creating a symphony that harmonized with the tranquillity of our surroundings.


There were rarely any large creatures in these woods. Not when far higher predators lived nearby. It was one way of knowing if a vampire was near.


While I had the urge to question Becca once more about the events that had transpired earlier, I decided against it. We walked in silence, my gaze occasionally drawn to her, hoping to discern her state of mind. But for now, I chose to bide my time, waiting until I could ensure she was in good spirits before broaching the subject again.


In my pocket, I clutched a silver talisman, our key to the outside world. It was what we used to make any purchase whenever we went out. Within minutes, we reached the outskirts of the next village, a place far more prosperous than my own home village. Pleasant-looking houses lined the outskirts, teasing at the delights that awaited further within.


Stone buildings, though modest in appearance, adorned the streets, forming a bustling marketplace where vendors and travellers congregated. It was a haven for restocking supplies and acquiring mementos of their visit. The sight brought a glimmer of joy to Becca's eyes as she soaked in the animated atmosphere, but we pressed on, delving deeper into the heart of the village.


After hiring a carriage to take us to the center, we disembarked and found ourselves in front of Becca's favourite pastry shop. The tinkling of a bell greeted us as we entered, and a well-dressed attendant approached with a small bow, warmly addressing Becca and commenting on how pleased he was to see her again. Though it was only my second visit, they received me with equal warmth.


We ended up taking a table on the front porch, waiting to be served. I smiled at Becca and she returned it, only for her to avert her eyes.


I held my wrist under the table and eyed the streets. Children frolicked, and lower-ranking vampires mingled harmoniously among humans. Becca, her gaze fixed on the humans, seemed intrigued by their interactions. Meanwhile, I glanced back into the shop, silently hoping they would offer me something different this time. On my previous visit, I had forced myself to endure Becca's favourite indulgence—blood-clotted cupcakes.


Even with my senses altered by the potion, the taste had been repulsive. Thankfully, this time I had proactively requested something more akin to human preferences, and the workers arrived with a set of Becca's cupcakes and another set for her to take back to the castle as a gift. I could not forget the grateful look she gave the cakes, and I smiled.


She started digging into the snack with such joy. I merely received a set of chocolate cupcakes. Several vampires were curious about what the humans ate, especially the lower-ranking vamps, and since we were in a village where these vampires lived peacefully with humans, my request wasn't all that odd.


The aroma alone was enticing, and I eagerly dug into the delectable treat, savouring the perfect balance of sugar and flavour while I looked out to the street. Lost in the pleasure of the moment, I was caught off guard when Becca broke the silence.




"Hmm?" With a mouthful of cake, I blinked in surprise, trying to respond.



"What happened when you... went to Lord Fashire's chamber yesterday?" Becca's gaze lowered, then rose to meet mine, filled with a mix of confusion and worry.


I was momentarily taken aback by her question. Why was she bringing it up again? My gaze shifted to the crumpled foil in my hands, the remnants of the cake I had just devoured.


"Hmm... It was nothing, really," I replied, my voice muffled by the last piece in my mouth. I swallowed, focusing my attention on her. "Did you see the boy?"


She nodded.


"Nothing much happened, Becca. I simply delivered the boy's food and took the plates once he was done. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Well, perhaps I was a little slow…" I admitted with a nervous chuckle. "I might have dawdled a bit... Fortunately, Lord Fashire didn't snap at me much. But why do you ask about it now?" I crumpled up the foil, a sense of unease settling in.


The same expression still lingered in Becca's expression as she searched my eyes for answers.


As we sat there, the air grew heavy with unspoken words, and I couldn't help but question the events that had transpired. The curiosity burned within me, threatening to consume my thoughts.


Finally, unable to contain my inquiry any longer, I uttered the words that had been haunting me. "Did you see the boy?" I asked again.


"Yes, but he was asleep," she answered as if uncertain about what she had said.


I traced one of the intricate patterns carved into the wooden table. To think she would finally say something. "But… what happened? Why did you take so long?"


Becca sat up. "It seems our cases were similar. We both did little and you also took so long."


"Becca, you looked terrified, and I was so worried that—" I stopped tracing the carving and looked up at her, thinking better of it. Maybe he had told her to keep silent about the matter and she could be in trouble if she told me anything. I scratched the back of my wrist. "Don't worry about it then. I just don't like seeing you so sad."


She gave me a grateful smile which then waned. "Ah… thank you, Hiln. I appreciate your concern… But… it's not myself I am worried about."


For a moment, a soft breeze swept through the shade, brushing aside Becca's short blonde curls.


"What do you mean, Becca?" My heart sped a bit. Was the boy in danger? She hadn't told me anything about that boy. Had she been lying about him sleeping?


"Hiln." There was a daunting seriousness in her expression that rattled me. A forlorn look like that of someone who had finally accepted their loved one was gone after months of grieving.


"Becca, what is it?" I clutched the edge of the table.


Her voice carried a weight I had never heard before. "Lord Fashire asked of you."



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