
The day after

I was released from the hospital the next day, Oliver, Moira, and Thea were all there for me. It was kind of heartwarming, but then again I wasn't injured, and Oliver looked like he wanted to tell me off, Moira looked like she wanted me to stay locked in the house forever, and Thea just looked sad.

"Let's go home guys," I said with a small smile

Thea hugged me, and Moira joined in, "let's go home sweety," Moira said in a caring tone

As we walked to the car, Oliver and I walked a bit behind, "so where is Diggle? He didn't stick around after he saw you fight Deadshot?" I asked casually

Oliver looked at me and then dembe, letting out a sigh he replied, "interesting that you know that, I'm curious how did you survive the poison? And why did you allow yourself to be shot,"

I looked over at him smiling brilliantly I said, "I have no idea what you are talking about,"

"As do I,"

We walked in a comfortable silence, I looked over at Oliver once more and asked, "you think Diggle will come back?"

He seemed to think for a while before saying, "I'm not sure, maybe it would be nice if he did"

"Yeah, he probably will, at least Dembe wouldn't ditch me," I said with a slight smirk

"I knew you were leading up to some snarky remark," Oliver replied shaking his head

"Ah, but you still replied," I replied with an easy smile

"God, you're insufferable," Oliver said exasperated at my antics

"I think I'm just a little loopy from all of the drugs they gave me to deal with the pain," I replied in an exaggerated manner

Oliver just gave me an annoyed look, I even saw Dembe smile a little, only a little though. I wonder if he tries his hardest not to make any expressions, or if it's just a natural thing.

We finally arrived at the car, and once in we started to drive home, I haven't checked the internet or the news yet but I have a feeling it's mostly going to be all about me and my 'heroic' deeds.

We arrived home shortly after leaving the hospital, the car ride was a little awkward. No one talked much, it was basically silent the whole way, the radio was the only noise in the car.

"Get some rest honey," Moira said with a small sad smile

"Okay mom, good night," I said walking upstairs

Once I was in my room, I locked the doors and took off my cast, turning into a bat I flew out my window.

It was late afternoon, the sky was getting dark already so the sun didn't hurt too bad, I still felt a little bit of pain though.

I arrived at my base, my translation program was still working on the magic Tomes, sadly barely any progress has been made. There are some educated guesses the program has made. I might be able to patch up the words and make something out of them. But, for right now I want to get out and drink some blood.

Unfortunately, even though I drank enough blood to last me a month, healing my wounds, and the poison. Where annoying, I'm not nearly drained, but I still want to make sure I have enough to last me a while.

I like the taste of blood, it's heavenly, but it's much better when the person you drink from is healthy, and the type you like. Also, I figured out that if they consent to me taking blood then it tastes a lot better.

I learned that with Sarah lance. That was a wild wild night.

I donned my outfit and left searching for my prey, while I flew over the glades I spotted someone selling drugs to some underage boys and girls.


I swooped down, after the younger humans left, he didn't even get a chance to know what happened, I began to drain him of his blood.

As quickly as I sunk my fangs in, I pulled back and knocked him out.


"You disgust me," I said to the disgusting flesh bags unconscious form

Sighing, I left once more to hopefully find something more inline with my appetite, I have that horrible taste in my mouth now.

And it needs to be cleansed.

I spent the next thirty minutes, flying around looking for a human that appears appetizing. I'm not going to kill them so they honestly don't need to be a criminal.

I won't take a lot of blood, I'm not particularly fond of just draining people, I like to savor the taste.

While flying around I spotted someone, someone I honestly wouldn't expect to ever see in Starling City. She was green-skinned and very attractive.

What the fuck is poison ivy doing here? Shouldn't she be in Gotham? Speaking of, this universe is really weird, it's like the arrow show and flash show are normal, then superman is here, and Batman, and even the joker, and apparently now poison ivy!

Can't a vampire get a break!?

I swooped down to see what was happening.

I heard her voice, "I still don't see why you wouldn't bring this to Gotham," she said in an annoyed tone

"Fuck that! Batman will be up our asses," a male replied huffing in annoyance

"I don't think Batman will come after you for selling me a rare plant," she responded dryly

"This isn't any rare plant! This is the the rare plant of all rare plants," he responded with gusto

Now that I'm looking at this guy, he doesn't seem like a common thug, more like a crazy scientist.

I looked closer and saw the plant in question, it looked like a crazy jumble mess of vines, with many small dragon fruit-looking things hanging off of them.

"Just give it here, I don't want it in your grubby hands any longer than it has to be," she sneered

"Haha, okay okay, just remember you need to keep it in a nice and cold area," he said nonchalantly

Soon they completed the deal, she took the plant and put it inside some metal box.

Before they both left, I swooped down and knocked out the scientist guy, then moving at speeds that she couldn't perceive, I approached her back, and sunk my fangs into her neck.

Her blood tasted divine, I thought it might taste like dirt, but it tasted like a plethora of fruit, the sweet liquid traveled down my throat, quenching my thirst.

"Mmmm~" she moaned freely

Hmm, I guess she enjoys it. Good, it's a mutual feeling then.

I released myself from her neck, she spun around so quickly it was honestly impressive.

No words were exchanged, the box containing the weird plant exploded, and tried to strangle me.

I turned into mist and went behind her.

"You taste delicious by the way," I said in a carefree tone

"Who are you! What are you!" she yelled at me

Then her plants started to throw the dragon fruit things at me.

They exploded mid-air and a weird gas spread everywhere.

Uh, what in the plants versus vampires is this shit.

Deciding not to mess with all of that weird gas, I simply sped toward her and put her into a chokehold.

"Go to sleep darling," I whispered into her ear

She collapsed passed out shortly, but that wasn't the annoying part the plant went back to normal, but I could feel my blood crystallizing. That must be what the mist does.

I sped off, the mist doesn't really affect me all that much and I barely got git with It. She can keep the plant.

I'll say it's her reward for the blood.

-Poison Ivy pov -

I woke up in a daze, looking over I saw my precious new family member was still there.

I felt like I was attacked by a vampire, but that can't be right, it makes no sense. Vampires don't exist.

And why did I like it so much?

This is what I get for going to Starling City, I would take Gotham over this confusing place any day.

Plus, I heard a knock-off Batman is going around. Defeating rich guys.

Anyways, I should go home back to my family. They probably miss me.

-Lucas pov-

Life doesn't make sense to me, what type of confusing shit is poison ivy just so happening to be making a plant deal right when I'm flying around.

Anyways, I went home still a little stiff, as my blood is still working on becoming a liquid again, well most of my blood because only some parts were crystallized.

I went on my phone as a habit and decided to check the news.

I immediately regretted that.

There were numerous headlines, each where along the same lines. 'LUCAS QUEEN SAVES HIS SISTER!' 'THE HEROIC LUCAS QUEEN!' 'LUCAS QUEEN IS IS OKAY!'. Some of these articles said I got hit near my heart. What type of fake journalism is this?

Annoying humans.

I heard someone approaching my room, so I put the cast on once more.




"Hey, Lucas you up?" I heard Thea's voice through my door

"Yeah come in," I replied playing with my phone

She walked in and sat on my bed.

"I was so scared," she said to me with red eyes, she was probably crying

"Well, I'm fine now, so no need to worry sis," I said with a reassuring smile

"How were you so calm?" she asked

"Because I've been through worse," I responded dryly

"I see," she said in a dejected tone

"Mmhmm, what's wrong?" I asked

"I'm still scared," she replied weakly

"Lay down," I said gently

She laid down gently next to me.

We just stayed in silence. A comforting silence.


A/N: poison ivy, bet y'all didn't think of that~ if you have read my other stories you know I like to throw in seemingly random stuff that makes no sense. This alteration is important for sure.

She isn't the love interest at least not yet. I'm not sure who I want.

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