
Chapter 28: Moonlight (Part 3)

Julia's POV

Julia opened Mariano's door."Ciao Bella!" She greets them as Julia closed the door.

Cecilia stood up and walked approached her slowly, then embrace her. "I thought you will return at dinner," Cecilia let go of her embrace and Julia looks at her ma. Julia took a deep breath and saw an invitation on the coffee table.

"Camilia gave it to us," she said. Julia rubbed her arm, and she put the invitation inside the trash can.

"Where's Matthew!?" Cecilia rubs her back.

"I-I told him to call the doctor, and I told the rest to buy some food and buy some coffee." Julia closed her eyes and clenched her fist. She embrace her and stroke her hair. "It's not their fault, Julia." Julia sighed. She shouldn't give a stern voice to her wife.

"It's not your fault, okay? I'm sorry to give you a voice like that." She wiped her tears and took a deep breath. She should ask this to her, but not in front of her ma. "I'll go get lunch. What do you want for lunch?" Julia put her hand inside her pocket. It's awkward.

Julia waiting for a response from both of them, but she didn't. Julia walked out of the room.

Cecilia's POV

"Julia it's Julia, Cecilia. She feels uncomfortable whenever someone comes near you, especially the Mazetti clan." she sips her tea. Cecilia nods and eats the macaroons.

Cecilia picked a flipped poster from inside her pocket and gave it to Julia's ma. "Umm… Mariano gave this to me, ma. I-I don't know what is it." Cecilia put the paper on the coffee table and she blinked.

"You an honest person, Cecilia." She complementing her as she holds Cecilia's hand and looks at her with brightness in her eyes.

"Ma?" Julia's ma hummed, "t-there's something I need to tell you about Mariano." She said. The tea inside the teapot gets cooler, and their conversation getting heavier. Cecilia wringing her hands and bite her lips. She perplexed because she wants to tell about Mariano's feeling about her ma, but she didn't want her mother-in-law offended.

"It's okay, Cecilia. Speak up," she said in a silvery tone.

Cecilia made up the decision to tell her for Mariano's future sake.

She gripped her white can and said, "Mariano, complaining about your affection to him. He needs you." She bites her lips as sweat began shows up.

Julia's ma sighed as she put the cup on the coffee table. "I thought Julia was lying." Cecilia furrowed her brow.

"Lying?" Julia's ma nods.

"Mariano says that repeatedly, Cecilia. I don't know how many times he said that words." She straightened her body and looks at her.

"Can you do me a favor?" Cecilia gulped her saliva. "C-can you retire to your job for Mariano's sake?" Julia's ma furrowed her brow. "I-it's not like that, ma." Cecilia's reluctant to speak again after telling her mother-in-law to retire. Cecilia's grip on her white cane, her body was shaking, and sweating.

"It's okay, Cecilia. Julia already told me a dozen times." Cecilia relieved. She wiping her tears. "Also, it's not your fault, okay? It's nobody's fault." They heard a phone was ringing. Cecilia knows that means and she helped Julia's ma to pack her belongings.

Julia's POV

Julia opened the door, and she saw her ma packed her thing and their maid take care of the dirty dishes. "You leaving?" She asked her mom. Julia furrowed her brow and looking at her back as walked down the hallway and disappear behind the door.

Julia took a deep breath and closed the door. Julia closed the door slowly and tries not to waking up Mariano. "Maybe she's in a hurry," she nods.

She sat next to Cecilia and leaned her back and exhale. "How's your day?" Their hand intertwined. Julia did not answer her wife questions. She let her wife to catch a breath after a long walk to Mariano's room.

"You promise me to explain what is dreamcatcher," Cecilia giggles. She doesn't expect Julia to ask any further or she can search it on the internet. Cecilia leans her head on her shoulder left shoulder.

"Answer my question, I will let you know mine," she said as she chewed her food.

"It's for your protection, Julia." Julia raised her eyebrow.

"Are you not believe that superstition?" Julia shook her head.

"I'm skeptic about ghost, spirits, and stuff like that." Julia said.

"There's a story about a Spider Woman who takes care of the children and the people of the land. As the time goes by and Ojibwe Nation spread, it's difficult to for the Spider Woman to reach all the children. They decide to weave webs by using willow hoop and sinew," Julia kissed her cheek.

"What is the point of the story?" Cecilia raised her eyebrow and pulled on her suit. Now Julia on the top of her.

They stared into each other's eyes until a knocking sound from the door heard. Cecilia, who was on guard, pushed Julia.

She fell to the ground and whined. "Oh my God, my butt." Julia whined as she rubbed her butt to reduce the pain.

Cecilia gasp and covered her mouth. "A-are you okay!?" Julia picked a Lego brick and sighed.

"L-let me opened the door," Cecilia helped her to stand up, and she sat again on the couch and looks at the poster.

"What is it?" She picked the poster and un-fold it. "Huh?" Julia reads it.

Cecilia sat next to her with two plastic bags contains a Korean food.

"You want to eating again?" Julia put the poster on the table.

"I read a poster about a Talent Show." Cecilia stopped her activity and straightened her body.

"Mariano wants us to come." Julia furrowed her brow.

"Or my ma?" Cecilia sighed. She didn't know how to tell Julia about her ma's work.

"W-what if we talked after our shift ends?" Julia took a deep breath.

"If it's about Mariano?" She nods.

It's appealing for her to know what she wants to talk about, but she didn't want to Cecilia has same pained as before. She wants to hear what's wrong with her family. Julia lying on the couch and put her head on Cecilia's thigh.

Julia covered her mouth and yawn. She feels her eyes getting heavier, and she falls into a deep slumber.

Cecilia's POV

Cecilia looks at Julia's face and smiled. "Have a sweet dream, hubby." She said in a silvery tone. She covered her eyes with a sheet of tissue and devouring her food.

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