
The Slumbering Beast

The air felt too hot and the ray of the sun was not good either for Angel or the kids.

Yes, she should get used to calling herself that name. Somehow, a part of her wanted to be called that. So, calling herself "Angel" was not a problem. She glanced at Kayla who wore a white shirt adorned with a popular unicorn character. The same character was on her grey legging and purple rubber shoes.

She looked at what she was wearing. A black maxi dress that ended up on her knees, hugged her body, highlighting her ample breast which should make her feel uncomfortable, but she was not. She was also wearing a black pair of sneakers that was her size. Whoever picked the clothes she was wearing had good eyes.

Angel stopped breathing for a second when she looked at the man behind her. His size, yeah, it was impossible to ignore a man that looked like a mountain. He was also packing, so that was kinda hard to miss too. But with a good night's sleep, some food, and proper clothes, the man who rescued them looked a bit different than yesterday.

To be honest, she did not pay much attention to what he looked like. It was his eyes that caught her attention. After that, it was the way he took charge of handling the kids and the situation they were in. Somehow, it made him look humane in her eyes.

A dark blue bandana covered his hair, making it look less inconspicuous. The plain black t-shirt and faded denim jeans he wore molded his body, showing his muscles in every possible manner. Like it made him look big ALL OVER! A black aviator sunglasses was on his forehead while two much smaller pairs were hitched on his shirt. A baby carrier was on one hand while his patch was on the other. When she looked at his face, she couldn't help but feel irritated at herself.

Pyr was one heck of a male specimen. His bi-colored eyes looked far more intense than they were yesterday. An image of a Korean actor that was half British-American and Korean she briefly saw last night, flashed her mind. They were a bit similar in the shape of their faces, but that is where the similarities ended. Pyr was more rugged and the several days' growth of beard made him look far more dangerous in the light of day.

Red-colored eyes met his. Angel could feel him slowly looking at her from head to foot. The lazy grin that popped into his face meant he liked what he saw. Not that she cared if he liked it or not, it was after all given to her.

"PYR!" Kayla shouted and ran to the man who was walking his way towards them. They met halfway, and she could see how happy Kayla was telling him about her new clothes.

Something inside her blossomed when the big man crouched and showed the little girl her baby brother. The latter reached out and touched the baby's hand. Angel heard her give delighted gaps and looked at her, "Mama Angel! I have a baby brother!"

She smiled and started walking to them. She stopped when she reached Kayla's side. The little girl beamed up at her.

"Look! Look! He hold my finger!" she excitedly said.

"He is holding my -," she stopped and met Pyr's eyes. She was about to correct her grammar. The latter gave a slight nod, telling her that it was okay to do so. "Kayla, say, 'He is holding my finger.'" The little girl repeated the correct sentence and smiled widely when she said the words without stuttering. The man praised Kayla by kissing her on her forehead.

"Well, that answers one of the many questions I have about myself," Angel said.

"And what question would that be?" Pyr asked.

"What kind of work do I do," she dryly replied. She took the patch Pyr was holding out to her and wore it. "I mean, from the way I automatically corrected Kayla, I must be a teacher, or an English teacher right?" she was grasping at straws. Her response made sense, right?

"Maybe, or you could be an editor. Those guys are also grammar nazis," he answered back. "Or you could be a writer. There are many possibilities, babe. However, what you have done might narrow down the possibilities. The probability of you being a teacher is far greater than nothing." He glanced at the two kids who were busy getting to know each other. "My patch never looked better on another person."

Her face heated, to hear a man say such things to her made her inside warm. "I'm not fishing for compliments."

"I wasn't. It was an observation. Other than me, you are the next person to wear that." Pyr stood up and lifted the baby in his arms. "Hey, little bud," the tone of his voice changed. If her face heated a couple of minutes ago, Angel was now a puddle of goo with how gentle he was to the baby. He pulled her close, startled; she could only look at him and then the baby.

"Angel, I would like you to meet, Cole O'Malley," she smiled at the man holding Cole before she looked at the newly named child.

"Hi, Cole, you will have to call me Mama Angel for now. I kinda lost my memory. Your sister gave me that name," she felt Kayla tugging the hem of her dress. She looked at the latter, her arms were raised, a universal sign of 'up', which she did. "Kayla, meet your baby brother, Cole."

Kayla leaned down and kissed her brother. She looked at Pyr, then asked, "Will you be our papa?"

Angel did her best not to look at the man in question. The silence following the small request was nerve-racking. If her hearing was not sharp she would never have heard his answer.

"Yes, I will."

Something inside Angel woke up, a slumbering beast that no one has seen in a millennia. It released a sharp cry as a magical bond snapped into place.

As the sun continued to shine, the shade of the trees surrounding the parking lot protected these four beings. Unbeknown to them, their lives would never be the same again.

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