
Passion 15

"Get ready soon I want to take you for a date", he said to me. I nodded my head dumbly. He gave me another rare smile and I melted but I soon controlled myself.

I knew there was something different about him. He is special which I knew but I could tell he was not a person who gave any importance to emotions.

I put on a red dress courtesy of Bi. She calls that dress siren. It was very beautiful and sexy at the same time.. The only problem was that it was backless except for a small chain hung. I guess the sole purpose of it was for decoration. I put on a coat to chase the cold. I opened my door and walked out. I saw him making some calls. Do this guy ever put his phone down? It is not fair that he was working while I had put away my first job to come here.

He looked at me and immediately his eyes went up and down on me sort of like a caressing. I gulped. I wasn't prepared for a big reaction. He walked towards me like a panther. He stopped and tucked a wayward hair behind my ears. I shivered and he took a sharp breath.

"You make me mad each time you dresses up", he said more like a promise.

"I thought we were going out", I told him.

"Unfortunately", he told me. I bit back a small smile. That was what I was planning for him. I had figured him out he didn't want commitment. That maybe the reason he wasn't taking me out there. He wants a secret relationship I think. Does he has a wife? I don't think so. His left finger was bare. There wasn't no impression of a wedding ring.

"Let us go", he told me. I nodded my head and walked with him. This was a small victory for me. I have managed to make this guy take me out. It is a big feat. I'm sure soon I will end his issue for commitment.

Once again we were seated on the table. He was content not talking m. But I wasn't. I wanted to talk to him. It felt good to be with him. But I want him open upto me.

"Are you OK with this place? I haven't bothered to look it up", he told me.

"Yes I'm OK", I agreed with him.

"You look beautiful", he told me.

"Thanks", I told him. The server came to take my order which I gave with a polite smile. He looked at me thoughtfully.

"What?", I asked him.

"Nothing", he told me with a small smile.

"Tell me something are you here on business? What is it?", I asked him trying to be professional.

"Business is the last thing on my mind when I see you in that dress", he told me.

I blushed pretty hard. He was very generous with his complements. I wonder why was he so alone? He looked old but not that much old. He will be in his mid thirties top. I had no qualms about dating an older person. My mother was ten years younger than my father. So it was OK.

"Are you done?", he asked me.

"Yes", I told him. He paid it and I didn't argue because he was very rich and I knew he will deny me even if I offered.

"I like this place now. The last time I visited here I thought this place was a horrible place now I don't feel like that anymore. Probably because I was alone.

I didn't know what to say to that. So I stayed silent. I have never been to a date where I was this much attracted to a person. He makes my heart beat twice every time I see him.

"Let us go", he said meaningfully. I walked with him. We both went to our hotel room. I had a pretty good idea what we are going to do. I was more than excited for it. I would have begged him to kiss me if he hadn't done it before.

Once we reached near our room he dragged me back to his room. I was anticipating this. He put his mouth on top of mine. We kissed hungrily and I moaned to his mouth. He kissed me back with equal ardour. His fingers glued to my back side the whole time.

His hands travelled back to my shoulders and then down feeling me up. I shivered in his embrace. My breath were becoming shallow with each passing seconds. His mouth travelled to my neck and kissed me there. I gasped out with surprise.

He sucked on my neck and gently bit me there. I moaned at his tender bite. I never thought I like vampire kisses but there is a first for everything. His hands went around me to find the button on my dress. When he found it he dragged it down. I arched my body when he travelled further down. He kissed my beasts and sucked the left one. I cried out my pleasure. He moved to the other one and this time I tried to remain silent but when I couldn't I bit my lips.

"You are so beautiful. I can't stop myself doll. Please tell me you are ready", he said.

"Yes", I said breathlessly. He chuckled at my eagerness.

"You are so responsive. I never thought you will be like this. Is it me my sweet? Am I the only one who makes you so responsive like this? Tell me", he asked me.

"Yes", I told him.

"That was too confident", he said with a chuckle.

"No. It is because you are the first one to be this close with me", I told him.

"What?", he asked me.

I know this was the time to drop the bomb. I didn't know how he will react but I hope he is not too much surprised.

"I'm a Virgin", I told him.

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