
CH. 417: Once All Of This Is Over

"I see. I guess you guys really do know what is going on. I took a gamble on this. And that person also told me that I could be mistaken. That this might be a trap."

"Why did you come then?" Alexander asked him.

"Because I felt like your family isn't easy to bully. That you will be fine, you can come out of it."

"Come out of it you say. That may not be necessarily true for me," Alexander chuckled in defeat.

"What are you talking about, Alex?"

"Before that. Who was that person? The one who saved you? And do you have something that could help us?" Alexander changed the topic.

Harvey wished to pry more with what he was talking about a while ago, but the information in his hands takes precedence.

"The one who saved me was actually, Raphael Gibson's daughter, Clarence Gibson."

Alexander furrowed his brows, trying to remember if he had ever heard of that name before. But there was none.

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