
Chapter 91. Plucking the Mandrakes

The youths originally underestimated these snakes because they were still young, but after one youth was killed, they became cautious. They tried to keep the fighting at range because the snakes had no range capabilities. Due to this, the snakes got pulled away from the center of their nest.

Seeing this, Pai Wuci instructed one of his sect comrades to sneak through the snakes. He used his arcane art. His two arms burst into flame. The flame formed into the shape of a saber. Pai Wuci swung his two arms which were now flaming sabers onto the closest snakes. The flame sabers cut through the hard scales of the young snakes and produced scorching wounds. They hissed while reeling back.

This created a gap for his sect comrade to pass through. This White Cloud youth was the fastest amongst them. He also possessed movement art, Cloud Walk, which allowed his running speed to increase. During the activation of this speed, his running speed made his feet appear as if not touching the ground.

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