
New Farming Skills & Emeraldine's A Magic Teacher?!


As if rewarding me for a day of a lot of efforts, the System suddenly showed up two new Skills! Farming and… Little Farmer? So that's a Title, huh. But didn't I learned it too fast this time around? I am fairly sure that I am not that good at it to learn it so quickly. So why?

[After your last evolution, the Soul Grimoire had also evolved]

[Now it has become easier to acquire Skills that were harder to acquire before. Due to your strong affinity with death and darkness, it was particularly harder to learn things such as Farming-type Skills, which require some affinity with nature]

[After seeing the performance of Emeraldine, you've gained a slight amount of the comprehension of nature and life, so you've learned the two Skills quickly after]

[As the System's voice, I didn't simply granted them to you, this is merely your talents awakening within your Soul Grimoire]

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