
[Loki’s Cursed Crimson Draconic Necklace]


Two near identical necklaces laid over the table in front of us. They were shining with bright, magical auras, and seemed to be enveloped in a dark and cursed black essence as well. This was due to being Cursed Items. However, I had already explained that it was better to use Demon Blood to strengthen equipment. This way, Cursed Items, once equipped, become soul-bound, this means that if anybody tries to steal them from the wielder while they're alive, the item is going to reject them, or could even attack back.

I had already shown Erika's father the Blade Erika had, which was also a Cursed Weapon, and my own Spear. In fact, he knew about Cursed Items, but using them was often a taboo within the Kingdom, as the Church of Holy Spirits prohibited them due to their dangerousness. However, it was already quite well known by Nobles that some used them anyways due to their amazing


[Loki's Cursed Crimson Draconic Necklace (Unique-Grade): Lv1]


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