
Personality Problems


Addison Moretz loved her job but it wasn't the best for trying to date. Being an ER nurse didn't involve the most consistent schedule. 

At least it was more reliable than love was. She had always wanted to be a nurse and help save lives because being a doctor just seemed like too much school. She purposely got a job at a trauma center in Brooklyn in order to make a difference. 

Most of the time, she thrived on it. It kept her busy at least. 

The problem was having her schedule shift on her so often. Her last boyfriend complained that it made it impossible to see her…among other things. He had an awful lot to complain about. 

He said Addison was too loud. Too bossy. Too much in general. And he wasn't the only one. Every guy she had ever dated had said something similar…except for her first love back in high school. That had fizzled out because of a distance issue. 

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