
Resistance Grind or something

'Who does this type of thing?'

Kumi thought as she was ever so slowly sitting up.

Everything around her looked accelerated. She was doing sit-ups while under the effects of quite a few different types of magic.

'This hurts like hell on steroids!'

She cried out in her mind, she couldn't even count the number of different types of magic she was under the effects of.

Finishing another push-up, she felt her muscles rip as pain spread through her stomach and chest.

'Fucking Ow!'

Falling on her back, she lightly held her stomach as she saw her surroundings change for the umpteenth time.

'What else can those unfair knives do?'

She thought as she looked at the place she was just in. The knives spread around the area had a sort of space manipulation ability, one capable of teleportation and switching locations by force.

'Damn Resistance training. Wouldn't be surprised if I had a resistance to throwing up by the end of this.'

She thought as she let out a light breath and continued before Ayaka could comment and verbally abuse her.

'How long have I been doing this? The Time Magic is really messing with my sense of time here, surprising I know.'

Finishing another quick set, she laid down for a second only to see her surroundings slow down considerably.

'Ah. Is it normal, slowed down or still a little sped up now?'

Kumi sat up and looked at Ayaka.

"Good enough for today. We will continue tomorrow."

She said and walked away.

'No "Good job" or anything?'

She thought and sighed before looking over her resistances.

{Weakening Magic Resistance Becomes Level 2}

{Time Magic Resistance Becomes Level 3}

{Resistance Skill: Space Magic Resistance Level 1 Is Aquired}

{Space Magic Resistance Becomes Level 2}

{Resistance Skill: Pain Magic Resistance Level 1 Is Aquired}

{Passive Skill: Stamina Use Reduction Level 1 Is Aquired}

'Wait a minute. Pain Magic? Ayaka what the fuck!?'

{Space Magic Resistance Level 2}


{A particularly rare type of magic. The users of Space Magic can do quite a lot, like teleportation, removing things from existence as well as stopping and moving any object or being within their near-infinite range. Having survived against the effects of this type of magic, you gain a slight resistance to the magic.}

{Pain Magic Resistance Level 1}


{Either Masochism, Torture or Training has led to this Skill. Pain Magic is an easy-to-learn, hard to master and suspicious magic to own, having survived the effects of this magic, you can now resist strong stings of pain easier.

Do note that the amount of pain felt is not reduced.}

{Stamina Use Reduction Level 1}

{Passive Ability}

{Having run until the bones of your legs had broken or trained till all the muscles in your body had snapped, you continue on. Against anyone's better judgement. This Skill reduces the amount of stamina needed for certain tasks lower than any other respective Skill. Additionally, slightly reinforces your muscle network.}

'So Ayaka is suspicious and dangerous. Nothing new. At least I have another stamina-reduction ability. So something good came out of it.'

Kumi stood up and dusted herself off.

'Now I hunger.'

She touched her stomach.

Blinking twice, she thought.

'Hope Pain Magic Resistance won't go any higher. The bubble descriptions might call me names.'

So, Kumi walked off to the kitchen. Yet again arriving at the wrong time.

Sitting down at her regular spot, a waiter came out of the kitchen, seemingly tired and dead inside.

"Hello, may I take your order?"

He asked, eyes half closed.

'No comment about arriving late? Lucky day.'

"Kumi asks for Raymond's recommendation."

'He did say to specify that I am asking... Some time ago, should have just asked for the regular recommendation. Now I look stupid, don't I? Questioning myself.'

Not paying heed to Kumi's inner struggle against herself, the waiter simply nodded and walked to the kitchen.

Half a second later, Kumi could hear shouts and yelling coming from the previously, absolutely, silent kitchen.

'Huh. They don't have to try that hard for a kid. I ain't some snobby rich businesswoman.'

Enjoying the waiting time as much as she could and ignoring the swearing and critiques coming from Raymond's kitchen, Kumi focused her attention on the intricate designs of the walls, ceiling, floor and furniture.

'Indeed. Made out of materials...'

"You call this a motherfucking wellington?!"

'... Chef Raymond seems to be having fun.'

A few minutes later, quiet returned to the kitchen.

And another minute passed, every so often, sounds of disappointment could be heard.

'Okay, honestly. What is going on in there?'

And a few moments after thinking that, the door swung open and the waiter returned, a few tomato stains on his shirt and half a cracked eggshell in his hair.

'What a warzone.'

The waiter placed the dish down.


And Kumi enjoyed her meal, it seemed to be a unique play on beef wellington. Two thick slices with a side of soy sauce and a small bowl of rice with deep-fried potato cubelets. On the side of the plate, a small amount of salad with bread cubes, shredded cheese and dressing.

'So many different things. And they all mix really well. Scarily so.'

It was easily the best meal Kumi had ever had.

'Simply cuisine. This makes today worth surviving.'

She thought with a tear running down her cheek, in her head.

Yeah. Throughout the entire meal. No reaction.

'I wish I could have seen inside the kitchen, this recipe could be sold for an entire castle.'

The waiter who had stood there the entire time, a chef in disguise, was a lot more than depressed as he saw no reaction coming from Kumi.

'My perfect recipe that even Head Chef Sir Raymond approved of...'

In the kitchen, what had happened was akin to war.

Raymond heard Kumi's request and thought of testing the chefs a bit.

He picked the theme of beef wellington, each chef needed to make two dishes. One would be tasted by Raymond himself and judged, the other would be brought to Kumi if it were better than the rest.

And yet, no reaction. Even after the Head Chef themselves had said "Hmm. Yes. I like it.".

And so, from that point onwards, when Kumi was spotted in the dining area and all chefs were present, the same activity would take place.

Raymond himself had said something so absurd regarding it that the fire in each of the chefs' eyes started burning brighter than ever.

"The first to make the kid have a reaction to their food will become my direct disciple. Good luck, idiots."

And so the long-running tradition began. Because Kumi didn't overreact to food.

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