
Fighting a Few Demon Lords

A few duos later, no more Heroes showed up.

Only a group of Demon Lords that all looked hostile towards each other.

'Is this the territory of these types of 8th graders?'

She let go of the dragon, only a head and long neck remained.

She got ready to fight.

In total, about 6 Demon lords were visible.

Until this point, she has fought 3 pairs of Demon Lords and Heroes.

The Demons in front of her now all said the same things like the last few.

Die, become strength, ooh look how cool I am and so on.

She ignored their edgy talk and turned to one of them.

Making eye contact, the Demon smirked, said something along the lines of, "Great choice, I am strong and cool." and then dashed at her.

Or rather, violently floated at her.

As he came in close, he swung his opened palm up as sudden sharp vines grew out of thin air and stabbed towards her.

Lightly surprised, she ripped the sharp clumps of nature into shreds while thinking.

'Why is the edgy 8th grader using nature magic? I mean, he seems a little confused but at least he has the spirit.'

Another wave of plants shot at her as the Demon made wave motions with his hands in front of him.

Just dashing past them, she came close to the shocked Demon and punched him in the gut.

The Demon fell over as she jumped and stomped their head in, killing them.

Looking at the next one, she noticed how the group seemed rather on guard more against her than against each other now.

'Hmm. Why suddenly?'

Pushing the thought aside, she made a light run towards one of the Demons who floated a good way away from the group.

Suddenly stomping down, she jumped high up and grabbed them by their head.

Falling back to the ground, she twisted her wrist as she slammed their head a fair way into the ground.

Another one fell.

Turning around, she attacked the group again.

This time, however, they seemed to work together.

Ice, light and even shadows attacked her.

Most of the damage done to her was rather small but if she just tanked it all she'd die.

Dodging a sudden bolt of thunder, she smashed her hand into the ground, grabbed a sizeable rock and threw it at the shadow user Demon.

'No more surprise attacks from them.'

She thought as she jumped towards the thrown rock.

As the rock stopped in the air because of another Demon, she used it as a foothold to jump to the earth user.

Kicking them straight in the neck, she launched back at the shadow user.

Barely able to grab them by their foot, she slammed them on the ground before running while dragging them toward the fallen earth user whose neck she stomped on before continuing.

Looking at the Demon that was constantly throwing lightning, which just so happened to miss her, she threw the shadow user at them while focusing on the ice user.

The ground froze but that doesn't matter if you don't walk on it.

And so she jumped and flipped forward, trying to deliver a guillotine kick.

She missed and instead hit the ground, where a crater formed.

Picking up some of the loose sharp shards, she threw them at the ice user.

The ice user Demon was shocked to feel sharp shards in their eyes as they fell to the ground while yelling in pain.

Turning to the lightning user who was helping the darkness user stand, she dashed and grabbed the lightning user's hand as they tried to throw more attacks.

Picking them up by the hand and smashing them into the ground behind her, she twisted their arm until it came off. She then turned to the dark user who had fallen due to a lack of support.

As she was about to stomp their head/neck in, she was surprised to see white.

Pure white light shone in her eyes and blocked her sight.

Using her hands to block the light, she jumped back only to be slightly surprised as no attack came at her.

As the light died down, she opened her eyes only to see nothing there.

They had escaped.

'Ah. Right. There was a light user. But weren't they the only ones left? Did one of them have double elements? What a cheat!'

Counting over the bodies and seeing 4, she was sure that those were the only two alive.

'If only I... wait. How can light blind a soul...?'

Rubbing her eyes and then looking at her hands, she pushed the thought away.

'I'll have to find them later then.'

Tossing the dissipating bodies onto the neck of the still-dissipating dragon, she grabbed the dismembered head by its jaw and continued on her way.


A few minutes later.

She stumbled upon the rest of the 8th graders.

There were 6 Heroes standing there.

Some were sitting while one was menacingly floating slightly above the ground.

Two bodies of slightly damaged Demons lay on the ground as the Heroes discussed.

After a moment, they all turned her way.

Unlike the Demons, it was easy to see what they specialized in.

A Bow, A Book, A Shield, A Spear, A Pair of Gloves and A Blunt Staff.

The group eyed her and the bounty of dead Demons and Dragon behind her.

Letting go of the jaw of the Dragon, she heard a loud thud behind her.

'Edgy kids there, idiots trying to play Hero here... when will It all end.'

The Heroes got ready to fight as they started shouting their clearly rehearsed lines of dramatic dialogue.

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