

No sooner had Wang Tengfei marched through the chamber doors to scold his subordinates, than his bride sitting at the edge of the bed abruptly lifted up their veil, to reveal the person of Yu Xiaoguang!

He parted his lips to say something but was cut off abruptly by the sound of something hard, at best a pebble, being tossed at the only window in the room.

Mei Deng was swift to wear his veil back over his head and then hurried to pull apart the windows. A sigh of relief escaped his lips when his gaze landed on two youngsters dressed in all black, like spies would. Struggling against each other on a single branch, on the verge of falling down.

"You two! Stop that at once!" Yu Xiaoguang called out to them in loud whispers, furiously waving his right hand to catch their attention.

The two who were previously trying to steady themselves, tilted their heads towards the familiar voice, only to have their jaws hang in stun. Jun Feng pinched Chen Yao hard on the cheek, to make sure that he wasn't dreaming, earning a sharp glare from his cohort.

"Gege, is that you?" Chen Yao voiced out, inching closer to get a closer look.

Yu Xiaoguang lifted up the veil to clarify that it was indeed him, "as you can see, I had to take drastic measures." He said with cheeks, flushed from embarrassment.

"Who would have thought that the Wang general was someone so gullible? Any right thinking person could tell that it was brother Yu in the wedding attire." Jun Feng pointed out.

"My thoughts exactly! Who really is this Wang general?" Chen Yao concurred, missing a step and almost falling from the branch.

'These two!' Mei Deng scoffed inwardly, his hands found their way to his hips, whilst his worried eyes stared into space.

"How could it be him..." The young doctor unconsciously voiced out his thoughts, his doubts were as clear as the confusion on both youngsters.

"Gege, we can't stay for much longer, we were barely able to get past the security." Jun Feng announced, setting the pace for the conversation. Mei Deng swiftly snapped out of his thoughts then shifted his gaze to the youngsters directly.

"Have you found Daiyu? Where is she?"

"Gege, I'm afraid that sister Daiyu has gotten involved with a dangerous criminal. Brother Feng and I were able to catch up with them, but sister Daiyu wasn't even allowed to talk to us. When I tried to warn them not to mess with us, the bastard drew his sword to Daiyu's neck!" Chen Yao explained in a panic.

"We had no other choice but to withdraw." Jun Feng chimed into the conversation, his voice fully interlaced with spite.

"Daiyu is being held hostage? That means the kidnapper is targeting the Yu family, perhaps it's a ploy to shake us up." Yu Xiaoguang stated, pinching his chin.

"What does Gege intend to do now? You're no longer Yu Xiaoguang but now Wang Xiaoguang! The wife to that stuck up general!" Chen Yao cried out in a loud voice.

Jun Feng angrily slapped the back of his head, then grabbed him by the collar, "don't be a fool! Gege and the general are both men." He blurted out in rage, tightening his grip around his cohort's collar.

"And anyhow, how dare you think that Gege isn't the husband?!" Jun Feng added, "he's clearly a proud man capable of taming that worthless general."

"But Gege wore the red veil! Isn't that insinuating that he's the wife?"

"Haa?! Are you blind?! Who says the husband can't wear the veil?!"

Mei Deng hopelessly watched the two bicker, he was thankful that this was Tengfei's quarters and all the soldiers were chased away, if not, all three of them would have been caught out.

"Cut it out! Don't speak about me like I'm some trending topic up for debate." Yu Xiaoguang grimaced, reminding them of his presence, he took a sweep of the area and pinched his temples.

"Staying here for a second longer is pointless... it's best to leave now while we still can."

The two who were so engrossed with their petty squabble turned their heads at the same time to look at Yu Xiaoguang. Sharing the same thought in mind, they asked at the same time.


Mei Deng first placed one foot upon the window, then, without looking down he lunged forward and grabbed hold of a branch effortlessly. After he successfully steadied himself, he faced the two, swayed his head from side to side, then said...

"Who would stay and become the wife to brother traffic?!"

Both men wrinkled their brows but didn't ask him to explain, after all, it wasn't like their brother would take the subject of marriage seriously. And more so to such a domineering general with a bad rep in the capital. Not forgetting on top of all that, that he was a fellow man!


The clear blue sky turned orange, a significant number of guests had already left in disappointment of no wedding feast. Consort Xīnyí, who could see that her godson wouldn't dare step out of his quarters that night, was the first one to leave.

However, some remained, some were lieutenants attending on behalf of the other three general's, who couldn't make it to Tengfei's shotgun wedding. Whilst the others were gay crashers who hoped to drink some wine and pass out at the gates, sleeping there till morning.

Ex general Wang sat outside with his friends, drowning himself in alcohol half celebrating, half complaining about the turn out of events.

"That unfilial son cannot even save his father some face! He dared to act so cheeky and leave with his bride! Doesn't he know he only gets a wedding feast once!" The old general pushed his jar to his lips and continued to drink.

"Cheer up, at least we know that his priorities are in order. Say... why don't we go check if he's..." The loose tongued general of the East suggested, making thrusting gestures, a wide grin spread across his lips.

The notorious West general slapped him playfully on the back and added, "yes, we must see if he's a warrior but on and off the battle grounds!"

The North general who would usually frown and chide these men against saying such crude things, must have drank too much liquor. Because, he was the first one to rise, holding a jar in his left hand, and a cup in his right. Making messy steps towards Tengfei's quarters, his friends closely following behind.

However, in the spur of the moment, General Wang noticed a figure...no, three figures, running and jumping on rooftops, showcasing an excellent display of technique and dexterity.

At first he didn't mind it, and thought to himself, 'Youngsters must chase after Youth.' It was only after he rubbed his eyes with the back of his palm, that he noticed one of said youngsters dressed in the red bridal wedding attire!

"Stop-!" He cried out, pointing at the youngsters who just leaped from a rooftop onto the fences, their steps as swift as the wind.

General's Wang's loud voice gained the attention of everyone present, who were currently staring at silky red robes dancing freely, carried about by the wind.

Gasps soared through the air as the newly wed bride, alongside two others jumped over the fence and disappeared before their very eyes!

-"What is going on?"

-"Wasn't that young Miss Yu just now? Who taught her how to jump across rooftops?!"

-"No longer Young Miss Yu, but now Wang Daiyu!"

-"You mean to say...."


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