
A Second rumor?

Mo Jinhai accepted the punishment that Xiaoming had decided for him. He had to work for Lóng Wei for the time he was in the Qijiang. He had to do every work of Lóng Wei like a servant. Mo Zhelan thanked Xiaoming for solving the matter calmly. He again apologized for his son's mistake and told Jinhai not to disappoint the three princes in any way. 

Jinhai nodded his head and asked Xiaoming if he could home to bring his things. 

Xiaoming shook his head. "Your father will send the needful things in the hand of a soldier that I send with him," he added. He called in a soldier and told him to follow Zhelan to his residence. 

"Governor Mo, I want you to keep it a secret that we three princes are in Qijiang," Xiaoming ordered him. Mo Zhelan assured him that from his end no one would find out about their presence. 

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