
1223 Progress

Nico stomped her way into battle with the fleeing survivors of the first assault wave.


As her Mecha's massive foot dealt a crushing blow to the lesser energy being, she felt a sense of nostalgia that she hadn't had in some time. Perhaps it was time to paint smiley faces on the feet of all her Mecha and bring back the classics.

Her blades swept parallel to the ground, cutting the head off an entire group of warriors, and she joyfully batted them up in the air, with the intention to juggle them for an added bit of showmanship as she took out the ranged targets.

But she had forgotten that these were energy beings, and as they reached the apex of the aerial arc, the heads disintegrated and the energy was pulled into the refiner in her Mecha.

"Bah, that wasn't what I was going for. I need some solid enemies here before I cap out the energy storage tanks again." She muttered to herself as she surveyed the battlefield.

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