
1072 Subtlety is Key

"Oh, someone is coming this way. Sounds like the police are doing shop checks. Best get ready for things to get interesting." Max informed the others, then began to pull his Mobile Suit out of the flat space storage.

Nico and Nala nodded, ready to do their best innocent shoppers act. The furniture here was not a prohibited item, it was just smuggled to skip the duty fees. That was a small crime in the grand scheme of things, and only relevant to purchasers after they tried to leave with the goods.

So far as anyone knew, Max and Nico hadn't done anything wrong yet.

He did check in on their shipment though, and the Replicator units were safely stored in a perfectly legitimate area of the under city, hidden among stored food products, near the compost facility. The incoming forces appeared to be the planetary police, but it looked like they hadn't caught onto his transaction, but had been alerted by the movement of people in for the battle.

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