
1036 Determined Mary

The next morning, Mary Tarith gathered everyone at the doors to the laboratory with a plan to introduce new thought processes into their research program. It was her opinion that they had been studying too much and hadn't had time to fully digest the new things that they had learned, so they would take one full day away from the labs and do something relaxing.

"So, what do we have on the docket for the day to help our researchers relax, Lady Tarith?" Max teased her as she assembled the group.

"Today, we are going to go to the Volacanic Springs on Rae 5. They have a unique form of fish in there that creates an endothermic reaction when exposed to water, cooling the ponds enough that they don't boil near the volcanoes, and the high mineral levels give them an incredible luminescence. 

Since the topic of the week is unique energy patterns, I thought that a bit of relaxation while exposed to them should help clear everyone's minds."

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