
988 Of Everything

Max pushed the ship to Warp 12 and made his way into empty space, away from any inhabited species, and looked for a good spot to Portal from while he confirmed the safe zone around Absolution.

There were a lot of Warp trails around, and he didn't want to leave a Portal signature in the middle of one, as it would encourage other ships to think that there was a reason to wait here for a Portal to open so they could save money on a trip home.

That would only mess up traffic in the area even more, and he could tell that his detour had attracted attention from some of the ships who had been further from the mandated stoppage.

Sure enough, as soon as he came to a stop and started to power up the Portal Generator, he started to get messages requesting his destination from ships looking to piggyback on his trip.

Most of them had recognized the design of the Cutter, and Reavers were well known for being able to Portal from any of their major ships.

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