
898 But Is There Cake

After the dinner was finished, the dessert was brought out, a chocolate torte that left Nico immensely eager for the day to end so that she could hound her mother for cake.

The torte was amazing, and she loved it, but it was also chocolate and that only reminded her that there was an even better chocolate dessert in her near future.

When the night finally wound down, Max led her back to the room, and found that it had been fully cleaned and restocked while they were out, and the flowers switched to ones that gave off a calming scent that should encourage good sleep.

The hotel really did put the effort in to keep their guests happy. Max was impressed that they had gone to the trouble of changing all the flowers in the room twice a day, even if they were in vases so that they didn't just die constantly and need to be refreshed.

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