
857 Modular Engineering

After the first hour at work with Nico, the effects of the morning coffee had faded, and the Researchers' minds were a bit easier for Max to be around, so he made his way back to the lab and left the flight crew to do their work. 


"Welcome back, Commander. We got your message about the coffee, and we apologize. The first taste of freedom was too sweet, and we might have gone overboard." The researcher nearest to the door greeted Max as he walked back in. 


"I'm glad you all understand. Now, how was the first hour with Lead Researcher Nico?" He asked. 


"It's amazing. Everything that we could have asked for and more. We're fine-tuning the Mecha design for the Line Mecha prototype, and we think that it will be ready to send to Uncle Lu by the end of the day. The Lead Researcher plans to have some of them sent to the Destroyers for testing, but the Moon Base will release the final version once they have that data." 


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