
701 Cargo Hold

Max turned to the Station boss, who was quickly becoming enraged by the situation, and then to Annabelle, who was way too excited to try out her nonexistent sword-fighting skills on the Klem. 


"If you can have someone guard the little one, we can breach the cargo hold on this ship and see what the situation is inside. It's in full lockdown, so even if they handled it inside, they can't get out or communicate with this side." Max suggested. 


They were not alright on the other side, there were no sentient beings conscious or even dreaming on that entire ship, but Max was hoping to get the Valkia to unlock the doors so that they could deal with the Klem and look for signs of where they came from. 


"This ship came from one of our trading outposts. They're not one of mine, but an independent merchant, so I don't know where all they have been, but I need to find out if they put other facilities at risk." The Valkia insisted. 


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