
Chapter 156 Annoying Roommates

With the check-in finished, the Inspector handed them both a key card for their rooms. "The arena hotel was designed for team sports and families, but the army managed to book you both rooms with only one roommate. They had originally asked that you be placed together, but the moral values of the Comor public would eat us alive if we put a Civilian couple in a mixed-gender room, so we had to split you up. There were no more rooms available, the whole arena is booked full of contestants." 

"No worries, meeting new people is good. Even though the Army doesn't separate the sexes, I'm sure that most planets still do it that way with their civilians." Nico answered with her creepy fake smile.

"All contestants have been given identity cards with just their gamer tag on them, so feel free to address each other that way. Blood Goddess, you are in a room with LilyPotta, and SlumDogRaider is with Lord PockiPock."

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