
Chapter 60 The Surrender Pt 2

While Captain Catan brings in his soldiers from Bravo Company to speak with the Intelligence Department officer, the transport helicopter sent by General Tennant has arrived, carrying the General himself.

The interrogation room is completely soundproof, bulletproof and mechanically locks from the outside. Watching the Intelligence Officers sweat as they realize they are trapped is worth every day he has spent on this traitorous hunk of rock called Belmont.

The three prisoners were who they claimed to be, the highest authorities of the Planetary Government, so the Central Command needed a few vital answers out of them before they were taken away. Unfortunately, as senior politicians, they had been immunized against the standard system based interrogation techniques.

[Do you recall that thing from the Sabbath World Massacre?] Nico asks, moving Tarith's Rage beside Stalwart, so Max can use his System Ability to read her mind.

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