
[Bonus chapter] Feeding time

"Feeding time," she murmured to herself.

Eisha narrowed her eyes at the people around her, her aura darkened, and all their phones and electronics turned off automatically.

In a blinking and twinkling of eyes, she reached for the girl that she was going back and forth.

"I'm going to enjoy this," she said to the girl before she released her fangs. The girl and the crowd saw her change and panicked.

Fear ran down their spine forcing them into flight mode. Eisha watched them with keen eyes, she loved when she had to chase her food, it made the blood all the more delicious when it was hot from their veins.

She gave them a five minutes heads-up and went after them. The way they choose to escape from her was quiet, accompanied only by the sound of their heavy breathing and their rushed feet movement on the ground.

Their hearts were pounding in their chests, they ran as fast as they can but it wasn't fast enough. They could hear Eisha chasing after them, gaining in on them.

Eisha wasn't even trying, she was moving, making them believe there was a chance they could get away from her. It would make it all the more fun to crush their hopes and their necks.

The muscles of their feet are burning, but none of them could afford to stop. Not with a monster chasing right after them.

They had to get to safety.

"What is she?" The girl that was in an argument with Eisha asked the group.

The others didn't respond and kept running, they didn't want to say it out loud afraid that she will be real. Magic wasn't real and neither were vampires and they were born from magic, so Eisha's existence didn't make sense to them.

They grew cold at the thought of Eisha's identity.

Eisha listened to the sound of their raced heartbeats feeling her hunger grow. Her eyes grew dark with desire, the veins under her eyes blackened and the second pair of fangs appeared but her transformation didn't stop there.

The third pair of fangs appeared beside the second pair. They were sharp and long, her eyes took on a blue color different from the usual red color that she was used to.

Claws grew out of her nails, sharp and strong, and her movements grew faster. Her speed increased against her control, she felt it.

Something was different with her body. She was changing, getting stronger, and getting more abilities than the one that a normal vampire had.

It made no sense why her body was evolving but she wasn't one to turn down a good upgrade. She let the wind kiss her skin at full speed.

In one death moment, she reached her first victim, he didn't hear her coming as she ran as fast as lightning. She grabbed hold of him.

"Don't scream," she said to him. The man's pupils dilated before he went quiet. Eisha dug her fangs into his fangs, drinking his blood.

She fed with thirst, life was draining out of the man's eyes. She was draining his veins of blood with her fangs and her claws dig into his body, draining his lifespan out of him and into her.

Eisha groaned.

The feeling was magical, a miraculous pleasure that she had never felt in all her years of being a vampire. All of her was in bliss.

She opened her eyes, she could see all the other people, where they ran to and where they choose to hide. Other than them, she saw something else that was interesting.

She was being hunted by two people. On one hand, was Aldrin who was desperately trying to find her and on the other side was a group in black with weapons tracking her down.

She closed her eyes and finished feeding, snapping and tearing the man's head off and throwing it on the ground.

Eisha watched the man's body drop to the ground with a thud sound. She felt younger, stronger, and energized.

She stared at her claws in shock.

She passed by a window as she walked on to get to her next meal. She stopped and stared at her reflection, seeing the changes in her body, her heart hammered in her chest.

There was only one vampire that she knew that looked like that. The vampire that turned her, the most powerful vampire she had ever had the opportunity to meet.

The vampire was capable of doing things that no normal vampire could.

He could control the weather, shapeshift, read people's aura, see the future, control people, could do spells like a witch, and feed on people's lifespan to maintain a stronger body. Could compel vampires and his third fangs made him feed on vampire blood.

He was the most fierce killing machine to ever walk the earth. And somehow after waking up, Eisha found that she was growing to be more and more like him.

Her lips curled up into a devilish smile, her feet moved to her next victims, she ruthlessly fed on her, and like the man before, she ripped out her head but didn't stop there. She took her heart out of the girl's chest and crushed it in her palms and dropped her body to the ground.

She rushed forward, leaving a wake of dead bodies on the ground. The more bodies she dropped, the stronger she became. She was moving faster than lightning and attacking with the strength of a thousand.

The only people out of the crowd that was left were the two girls that she fought with. She saved the best for last.

She raised her hands in the air, the way Nonek, the vampire who turned her always did. She closed her eyes and thought of the two girls.

"Come to me," she whispered.

She remained in her position, she was testing a theory, if she was truly capable of being what her maker was.

After a few moments, she opened her eyes, and right before she was the two girls shaking like a blade of grass on a windy day.

"I love myself," she spoke in adoration of her new powers. "But you won't," she said coldly to the girls.

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