

When Cathy and Kiev left, she moved to the kitchen and ate breakfast. She could not stop her eyes from checking the door or the window every few seconds. Honestly, she was waiting for him to join her.

Avana had many questions running through her mind. But eventually concluding, she was only delusional to think she could write her legacy. But in truth, everything was already predetermined by fate. 

"Outrageous. What a joke?" She laughed at herself for thinking she could control her destiny. 

She had been fooling herself all this time, believing that she had a say on what would happen in her life. But all this time, whoever had control of fate had already mapped out her life.

Presently, she wondered if she had run away for nothing. Did she put her family and people at risk only to be thrown back to where she started because she could not fight her fate?

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