
Little Jun's past (3)

Ouyang Haitao made the wrong choice.

Three days were nowhere near enough to pay his more than a year long debts, and he was getting anxious as much as desperate.

It was on the third day that Ouyang Haitao and Jun crossed paths once again. It was when Jun was waiting outside his school with the twins as usual for Nana to pick them up.

Ten year old Jian lazily laid back on the soft grass and had a faraway look in his eyes as if he was thinking deeply about something. But what came out of his mouth was,

"I am craving ice cream."

Nian joined his twin. "I am craving hotpot."

Jun said with disdain, "I am craving to be away from you two."


The twins smothered their little brother into a hug from both sides and laughed. "You are so cute when you are salty, Jun."

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