
Misguided pride

'She's coming back,' Mathew thought, noticing Nadia's presence way before he actually saw the girl.

Still, her return was delayed by something.

He could easily tell that culling down the numbers of the basic zombies was as hard as walking in the park for his first wife. He could also tell that contrary to how the rest of their tight group was, Nadia actually took the casualty of the expedition to her heart.

He could tell that she went to kill the zombies not only to lessen the burden on the rest of the hunters in hopes no more death would come but also to let herself massacre everything that moved to calm her own sense of guilt.

But why she took so long to return, Mathew was pretty damn clueless.

"Hey," Nadia called out with a light yet slightly anxious smile as she returned to her side.

Her attitude was already suspicious… but it was her looks that both answered Mathew's question and also made him ask another one.

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