

No matter how Nial looked at the map, it was way too small. If he were to compare it to the known Universe starting from the Origin, the map he was currently looking at should be a third, or maybe a quarter in size, comparatively.

That was a little confusing because the Map shouldn't show the entire Universe. In fact, Nial knew that the Universe he came from was already considered rather small because it was so young and still expanding. That was also why Nial began to doubt that he was in a different Universe but that there was something else he had to take into consideration.

"Why is the area in the north and west of the map marked black, while the area all over the eastern and southern part of the map is grayed with various specific marks?" Nial asked, figuring that there was more to the eye than one could read from the map. In fact, the grayed-out part was something that looked a little familiar to something he had seen in the past.

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