
Chapter 125 - Thank you!

Caelum facepalm seeing how flustered the two and his luck might have affected them.  He didn't expect to be easily tricked into revealing their secret with his teasing. 

"No need to explain. Frankly, I don't care as long as you two are happy, that's fine with me."

He unreluctantly said while unwrapping another burger since it was amazing with perfect seasoning. Caelum don't really need food and can live with the energy in the surroundings. Furthermore, his physiology made it impossible for him to die of starvation. 

"That's it? You don't find it weird that me and Sky together?"

His cousins exclaimed, surprised that his cousin was just shrugging at an immoral action. Meanwhile, Sky was blushing and wanted to leave but her feet were shaking only calming down after Caelum gave them an unusual answer. 

"Nope! Not at all. Actually, now I have your secrets, it's only fair to share one of mine."

Caelum started to feel sorry for them since his mindset is just different from them and doesn't really care much about other people's opinion at this point. 

"You ask me if I have a girlfriend, then yes but not only one."

"...I don't think that unusual since I have frie-"

"Which includes Aunt Nancy and Liliena."

His cousin was about to say that he has a friend who has three girlfriends only to be stopped when he heard that it included their Aunt and his sister. Sky was also shocked to hear him say those words.

"What!? You're kidding right!?"

Lucian was in disbelief while Caelum just finished his burger then leaned back into his chair and said.

"Nope and at this point there's no turning back. I'm just saying that you can feel at ease when I'm around and if one day you two need to tell me about your relationship then I'm willing to help."

He said to them reassuring them that they'll overcome this and other people can eat shit and die for all he cares. 

"Is that true, brother Caelum? You support our relationship?"

"100% but seeing that your brother is like me then chances are he'll have more girls so either try to leave an impression or talk to the girls to be the main wife."


Caelum burst out laughing seeing the two adorable reactions can't help just die laughing. They were too cute and entertaining to tease. 

"Bastard, stop teaching her such things!"

"Hahaha but I'm serious, though. Anyways, It's best you two find the time to figure out how to explain it."

"When will Liliena come here?"

Sky asked timidly.

"Well, she's a bit busy with school but I promise when we're free then I'll bring her with me. That aside, we should call it a day and give you two times to think about what I said."

Caelum stood up from his chair walking away from them before pausing then turned to look at them.

"Uhmm, do you guys have a spare room?"


He scratched the back of his head trying to change the mood and focus on his awkwardness shifting the attention toward him with Lucian leading him to an empty room. It wasn't furnished but had a bed with sheets and a pillow.

"Here, feel free to use it." 

He nodded walking inside the unoccupied room and laid slowly drifting to sleep. Caelum didn't want to train and wanted to just relax. 


The next day early morning, Caelum stood at the front door as they wanted see him off before he go.

"Well, yesterday was fun but I had to go home now. You two keep safe and good luck with each other."

The two looked at each other still blushing but nodded while Caelum took the two in a warm embrace.

"Whatever happens, you two should grab any opportunity to be happy. It's better to regret the things we didn't do than the things we did."

Caelum gave them one piece of advice which he often lived by. He always takes action rather than doing nothing. There were some things he regretted but because of those choices he learned and became better. The two heard this nod and tighten their embraces. 

"See you two. Here's my new contacts and social media account."

After exchanging some contact, wave goodbye while he heads to the bus then to the train station that leads to Krendon City. Caelum soon arrived walking around town looking at the sunny sky, spotted the park and felt affected by the serenity decided to lay on the bench to relax for a moment until heading back home. He was just chilling for a few minutes when a familiar face popped up into his face. 

"You got back. How was your trip in Golden Town?"

"It was fun, did you know Lucian has grown thinner?"

The person who he was talking to was Dalia. 

"I know, we keep in touch once in a while. I was the one who gave the diet."

"Really? Guess, I owe you all an apology for not keeping in touch."

"It's fine, no need to feel guilty. Though when are you going to offer me a seat?"

She smiled, making Caelum smile as well as he sat up letting her sit beside him. 

"Why did you suddenly decide to head there? You know I heard Aunt yell way up on the second floor."

Caelum warily smiled since he just acted without thinking and might have to do with his luck skill. Oftentimes it acts at random and has no definite control over it. 

"Don't know, just a random impulse I guess. That aside, why are you here?"

"I'm waiting for Alex, we decided to head to swim together."

"Damn, I wish I could join."

"Yeah, you wish, pervert."

Dalia teases him, still trying to remind him about the last time he tried to sneak peek at her body. Caelum didn't regret it since he was able to see the glory that was her body. Not to mention, he gained the [ Saintly hands ].

"Are you sure you'll be fine? I mean does your back still hurt?"

Caelum asked even though he was confident that she was back to normal and still tried to comfort her. He did heal her, doesn't mean her body should be constantly abused. He could help her but let her know quite well that isn't what she wanted. Dalia wanted to achieve something with her own two hands.

"Yeah but I don't want to risk it since the competition is next Thursday." ( Dalia )

"Right, I'll be cheering you on then." ( Caelum )

"Not going to participate?" (Dalia)

"I'm not really interested. Putting that aside, are we still planning on playing later?" ( Caelum)

"Yeah, I'll be home either after lunch or later. I can't help but feel excited to show the ropes with Aunt and mom." ( Dalia )

"Sup girl. Hey Caelum."

The two saw someone coming and turned to look at Alex who just arrived who seemed more cheerful than before. Caelum knew that it might have to do with her father having the karma he deserved. He might have acted reckless and won't do something similar unless he's able to see that their sin is too horrid. Caelum understood that in this world they're no black or white, good or evil, the light or the dark. 

"You're oddly cheerful?"

Caelum asked.

"Well my deadbeat dad just got karma and started to get delusional. I got a call few days ago telling us that our father become mentality ill. Now my brother has started to be a bitch and doesn't know what to do."

Alex explained the reason for sudden change. 

"Are you sure that's okay? I know they're horrible bases from my experience."

Caelum asked. 

"Yeah, I don't care about them."

Alex bluntly said.

"Woah, I'm surprised you're willing to tell him all that. Did something between you two?"

Dalia noticed how Alex was oddly talkative to Caelum he only knew a few days ago. 

"Maybe I am just too excited. Anyway, how's your back girl?" ( Alex )

The two chatted a bit with Alex about Caelum massage sharing a bit about their plans on playing Eternum with her mom and her aunt. After a while, Alex handed some bagels that she made to Caelum and Dalia as he took a bite tasting how it was rather amazing. He complimented Alex who just smirked as Dalia mentioned her protein brownies allowing Alex to test him asking which is better.


"Yeah, who's better?"

Caelum gave it some thought since this quite the dilemma that he can't escape especially when it comes to his woman back in his empire. 

"Not to be biased but….I have to give it to Alex. I'm a sucker for some great bagels. Though, both are equally delicious." 

Alex smirked teasing Dalia as the two headed their way to swim leaving Caelum to head back home. He went inside noticing they weren't anyone and found that Lilienna and Annie were not home. Only Penelope, his mom and Aunt were at whom the letter two seem to be in the bathroom. Caelum went to tell that he got back by knocking at the bathroom. 

"Mom, Aunt I'm back."

"Oh, Son. How was your trip?" ( Celine )

"It was great, I just found out that Lucian got a lot thinner."

"Oh, that's right you haven't contacted them for quite a while." ( Nancy )

"Really? Well let's talk later. Best that you rest after your short trip."

Caelum nodded and headed to his room as he just sat on his bed and laid on the wall before receiving a call from Nova and had a long series of calls that ended up involving Penelope, Luna, his mom and Aunt who just finished showering.  He acquired information from Nova about the gem of doom in the possession of another rich guy. 

[ A/N: I'll be skipping this dialogue in the game cause it's too confusing and I'll be skipping the heist moment in the game. Don't want to spoil the game too much. ] 

[ Side Mission ]

[ Objective: Try to steal the Gem of doom without using your power and only rely in your intellect. ]

[ Reward: Random world travelled Disabled. ]

Caelum raises his eyebrow reading the rewards, smiling how it would be a great help since it would help him decide in a world of his choosing. After a while, he hank up easily planning out what they could do for the heist. He's not too worried since he's confident that his luck would make things go smoothly. 

"Guess, I'll be playing with Luna and Penny today."

He got into his Eternum gear slowly logging in, arriving at the server that Luna invited him to that according to her was an academy that was perfect for Penelope who wanted to learn magic and he soon noticed how magical energy was in this place. 

It wasn't the best nor the worst. Just the right amount in his opinion. He doesn't even use Mana or normal magical energy anymore and used Stardust which was one of the densest magical energy. 

A few seconds later turned to look beside him, finding Penelope wearing a hoodie that surely isn't her usual style. She was feeling dizzy as her body was adjusting and fortunately Caelum tampered with her game to help ease it. 

"Gah! This outfit is horrible!"

"Right, you shouldn't worry since it's just a beginner outfit and likely to change as we traverse this server."

"I hope so. If anyone sees me with this then I'll lose followers."

Caelum shrugged it off looking around as they started to head towards the nearby castle walls. He soon spotted someone at the entrances, a bit surprised and enticed by the sight of what he was seeing. 

"Hi guys!"

It was Luna who was wearing rather revealing clothes and amazed to see her body having quite the curves since she normally wore an all black outfit.

'Whoever made this design. Thank you.'

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