
Chapter 208: Terrigenesis.

( A/N :I'm kinda the guy who will do better if I get some support - - Comments and Paragrapth comments bitches. Lol)

Inside the Quinjet. Raina was sitting further away from Gideon Malik while clutching the obelisk in her arms. She was surrounded by more than 10 Hydra soldiers, but she had no fear on her face.

"The only entrance to the city is underneath Castillo San Cristóbal in San Juan. The others are submerged in water."

One of the Hydra goons around Gideon Malik notified the Hydra head about the matter. Castillo San Cristobal is a fort built in the 16th century. The ancient city was built 5000 years ago.

They had brought the plasma drill with them as it was needed to create a hole on the theatre ground to connect to the ancient city.

"How many people here could hold the obelisk?" Gideon Malik asked.

"5 people sir." the hydra goon answered. Unbeknownst to Raina, Gideon Malik already planned to betray her after she had served her purpose.

They soon arrived at San Juan and landed near the theatre. More than 20 Hydra agents had already taken control of the garrison before Gideon Malik arrived. Once they got the plasma drill, they created the entrance to the ancient city in a matter of minutes.

"There is a legend. A blue angel descended from heaven to give the people strength to change their fate." Raina started to monologue after the entrance to the ancient city was opened.

No technology could be used inside the city. The hydra agents had to use a wooden torch as a source of light to enter the city.

While they were descending into the ancient city using a rope, the agents of the SHIELD team arrived at the scene.

"Melinda. Skye. The Hydra agents." Phil said, pointing at the fully geared opponents in front of them. Around 10 people had entered the ancient city, leaving 20 hydra goons on the outside of the spooky garrison.

"We will help." The Silver Sable team led by Silvija offered. In less than 2 minutes, the Agents of SHIELD team managed to take over the whole operation on top of the ancient city.

"Scans show seismic activities in the area are increasing. The inside of the ancient city is filled with electromagnetic waves, cameras and other circuit based technology won't work there." Fitz said.

"It's amazing. It's like the whole city is alive." Jenna Simmons said, visibly excited by the prospect of something new.

"Yeah. Alive and eats people too." Skye interjected, trying to scare Jenna.

She and her dad had visited the garrison before this and knew the locals called the place La Garita Del Diablo. Several guards vanished while guarding the place at night in an inexplicable manner.

Jenna loses her initial excitement and shrinks back. Skye couldn't hide her smile when she saw Jenna's scared face.

She felt thankful that Kai had brought her to travel the world. Now, she has some materials to scare others – the same way her dad had scared her.

She didn't know that Kai saw everything that she had done with a smile on his face. Still invincible, Kai was following the hydra team entering the hidden city while he monitored the surface using a third eye companion beast.

'She didn't find the floating eye. She needs more training after this.' Kai thought secretly.

Inside the Kree city, chaos ensued after the hydra team walked 200 metres along the pathway. Suddenly, two hydra agents turned against the other member of their team and started to attack them.

"Snap out of it!" One of the hydra goons said, blocking the possessed hydra member from punching him. Unexpectedly, the strength of the possessed hydra member had increased, causing the goons to be knocked back.

Unlike SHIELD agents, Hydra agents didn't have the compulsion to save one of their members. They opened fire at the possessed member, killing them instantly.

"Don't touch the walls with your bare hands." The leader of the operation, a man with a chiselled jaw and a height of 2.04 metres, led the way toward the ancient temple where the obelisk – or the diviner, could be activated.

His decision was proven to be right. Without the agents there touching the walls and the floor, no one was possessed by the sentience of the ancient city to become its guardian.

'The sentience is troublesome…' Kai thought with narrowed eyes. In the original series, the ancient city was destroyed by the Agents of SHIELD. But now, he needed the city to be intact for Ryan to study it.

'Once the diviner is activated, the city will send a signal to the Kree empire about the event. It will alert the Kree and they may send a team here to destroy the evidence of evolutionary tempering.'

The inhumans had scared the Kree after the original inhumans had chased them away 5000 years ago. For humanity, the long period of time had almost been forgotten, but the Kree had already achieved interstellar dominance at that time.

In New York, Ryan smirked as he schemed about ways to claim compensation from the Kree empire. "10 resource planets worth of materials is good right?" He muttered.

Although the Kree could claim the experimental tempering was created by a rogue faction of the species, the evidence would show otherwise as the city still has the capability to connect with the Kree empire.

"Now, I need to get to work. The superluminal communication the city used needs to be blocked. I don't want the Kree to interfere on Earth, especially during the sensitive times."

Countless 3 metre small satellites orbiting the Earth were activated by Ryan. The SWORD organisation and the Humanity Interstellar Front that was stationed in space were confused by Ryan's sudden actions.

"It's a test guys. Chill." Abigail Brant comforted her anxious agents. She was appointed the commander of the PEAK – the S.W.O.R.D orbital headquarters after the war with Queen Veranke.

Inwardly, she knew something had happened on Earth that made the Vice President act this way, but after the whole betraying Ryan fiasco, she didn't have the gall to disobey his orders anymore. And his order for her was very specific, that was to ignore the situation ongoing now.

The Hydra team managed to crawl toward the entrance of the temple. However, once an ordinary Hydra member stepped foot on the temple's ground, he found out that his life force was sucked away from him. He fell to the ground and was dead in a matter of minutes.

Gideon Malik was still calm as if he had expected this. Raina ran toward the temple entrance, leaving the Hydra agents there behind. She knew that only those chosen by the diviner – who have the inhuman genes, could enter the temple. Once she is inside, she will be safe from the Hydra agents there.

"Follow her." Gideon Malik said. "Once the weapon is activated, make sure that it falls into our hands."

"Yes. HAIL HYDRA!" The 5 loyal Hydra agents that passed the diviners test entered the temple, following Raina closely from behind.

Outside in the garrison, the mercenaries and the SHIELD agents couldn't reach a decision on who to enter the ancient city.

"I will go. I have unfinished business with Gideon Malik." Dana said and jumped down the hole before he started running.

Skye wanted to follow, but Fitz held her back. "There is no telling what we're going to find down there. Let me scan-"

"Fitz. The tremor frequency has been increasing. Something terrible is going to happen if I don't go. " Skye said and removed Fitz's hand gently. "You stay here and run the analysis. I will go and stop the Hydra there from getting what they wanted."

She jumped down the hole to follow Dana. The rest of the team wanted to use the rope to follow Skye, but the tremors spiked and caused them to lose their footings.

Phil Coulson said hurriedly, " I will get down there. Silver and the rest, can you help guard the area?"

Silvija replied. "Okay. But it'll be expensive."

"Let the director foot the bill. May, the BUS. Someone needs to guard Calvin Zebo."

"On it." Melinda May obediently followed the order although she wanted to follow Skye inside. She knew that Skye's combat capabilities were way above her, but Skye was too naive for her standard.

Inside the ancient city, Dana's chameleon mask turned on its footprints tracking function and he ran in high speed toward the temple direction. He didn't even notice that his equipment was still usable inside the temple.

All of the equipment that Ryan had given to his trustworthy subordinates were inlaid with a special magic rune that would help them survive even a solar flare. He just didn't know about it.

"Gideon." Dana mumbled as he saw Gideon Malik standing nearby the temple entrance. "It's time to end this. Once and for all."


Dana fired up 3 shots, all hit the head of the hydra goons around Gideon Malik. Before the Hydra head could even comprehend what had happened, he could feel the cold muzzle of a gun at the back of his head.

"You're going to turn around slowly..and we're going to have a talk." Dana ordered. Gulping his saliva, the Hydra head turned around obediently to face Dana.

"Nice to finally meet you, my unworthy son in law." Gideon Malik said, trying to look calm in the face of danger.

Dana heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind him. However, he didn't turn his back to look as the sound of footsteps was familiar. Being a master of disguise, he already remembered every single detail about the people he met earlier in case he needed to be one of them.

He gestured to Skye to enter the temple, not realising that a normal human couldn't step into the tower. Gideon Malik smirked and predicted the agent's death, but his eyes widened as he saw Skye waltzed into the temple easily.

'How many people are 'destined' really?' He thought.

Skye entered the temple to see 5 groups of Hydra agents beating up a frail woman that seemed to be clutching something in her arms, close to her chest.

"Stop!" Skye yelled and jumped toward the nearest hydra agent while holding both of her guns in her hand. She needed to use normal firearms instead of icer bullets to face the Hydra agents there.

Gripping the first hydra agent within her thighs, she shot her bullets at the other agents there, effectively killing them.

'Mmmph!" The hydra agent inside her thigh let out a muffled noise and punched her thigh to get out. She gripped the structure on the ceiling and turned herself 180 degrees, together with the Hydra agent's head.

(A/N: Hydra is really too low-levelled against people enhanced by Ryan lol.)

"Arhhh." Raina let out a shrill yell as the hydra agent with his head facing the opposite direction of a normal human being fell face to face with her, blood coming out from his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Skye asked. No matter which angle she studied the woman in the flower dress in front of her, that woman wasn't a trained operative nor did she have a hidden weapon on her.

"H-Help me. They…forced me to be here!" Raina said. Skye had a feeling on who she was as Zebo told her about a girl who betrayed her before this.

"Let's go. This place is unsafe." Skye said as the tremors inside the ancient city were continuously getting stronger that she may lose her footings soon. Raina couldn't even walk straight because of the tremors.

"They..They messed with the city core. If we don't stop it, all of the people surrounding the area will die." Raina lied, using her abilities that even fool Coulson, the trained and experienced SHIELD agents for more than a decade.

Raina only needed a chance. She almost reached the centre of the temple. Skye noticed something was wrong, but the tremors were worrying.

"Tell me what they do. I will stop it." Skye said, not really trusting Raina to go to the 'core'.

The earthquakes spiked, causing debris to fall from the ceiling. Skye rolled to the left to avoid it, but Raina took that chance to run toward the temple core.

"Fuck!" Skye cursed and shot multiple bullets toward the woman. However, her luck was very good as she stumbled and slipped on the cold hard floor, effectively avoiding getting killed.

The diviner fell from her hand and rolled toward the temple lone pedestal amidst the wide room.

The diviner floated up toward the pedestal and activated the mechanism inside the hidden city.

Getting up from the floor and rubbing her hurt nose, Raina said, "All of you are wrong about the diviner."

"What?" Skye said, stopping her action of wanting to shoot the diviner to destroy it.

"This wasn't a weapon. It will not destroy. Rather, it guides us toward a new life." Raina said with a fanatical look on her face.

"You being here with me, wasn't a coincidence. Rather, it is destiny." She turned to Skye. "Don't you want to know what you're really made of?"

Skye decided to knock her out before she could do anything else. A soft backhand to Raina's jaw and she fell on the ground like a puppet who lost its string.

Skye couldn't stop the process. It was too late! 'Damn it! I was tricked!'

Tricked by the liar Raina will be a black mark in her history as an agent. Gaseous substances started to spew from the obelisk , surrounding both Raina and Skye. It also enveloped the bodies of the hydra agents that Skye had killed nearby.

"No.. DAD!" Skye called out before stones started to appear on her skin. In seconds, her entire being becomes covered in rock-like material to undergo her terrigenesis.

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