
The Night at the Catskill Castle [V]

I talked with the mother of the girl. She introduced herself as Dr. Evelyn Mitchell, she was a famous surgeon in a small town.

She studied medicine at Harvard University. She came back to her town to work as a surgeon because, in her town, people had to go to faraway cities for surgery.

She also fell in love with a man during her college years. She became pregnant with that man's child but the man died in a car accident. She gave birth to a girl, named Ellie Mitchell.

She could have easily gotten into a good hospital but she decided to help her townspeople over money.

Her selfishness was returned with a betrayal by her town. Her career as a doctor went downhill when she treated a man from the city. She performed the surgery and completed it without a hitch but after a day the man died mysteriously and the blame was put on her.

She had a couple of years of experience and knew that she was not responsible for his death. She was fired from the hospital she worked at. The townspeople whom she helped also turned their backs on her and they even criticized her.

She decided to move to New York City as she had a daughter to feed. As she charged minimal fees for surgery, so she didn't have much savings.

She was shocked to find that the hospitals that once wanted her for their hospital rejected her by giving an excuse for killing a man due to her mistake, during the surgery.

She was shocked to find that they know the case of the man who died after her surgery.

She tried to work part-time but no one hired her. She can't see her daughter die from hunger so she borrowed money and signed a contract. She read the contract carefully and the due date was 1 year.

She was shocked when a month later some man came and asked to pay the money back. She took out the contract she signed and was shocked to see that the due date was 1 month. She was forced to sell herself and her daughter to pay up the money.

She couldn't do anything about it, she was helpless and powerless to even protect her daughter.

I heard her story and felt bad for her. I called Vanessa to comfort her as I was not good at comforting someone. I only knew to fuck to comfort someone.

I used technomancy and touched the floor which made a hole on it. The hole opened to the underground dungeon where the remaining prisoners were kept.

This was time for the Vampires to have their meals.

"Ellie, do you want to see how I kick assess of the bad guys", I asked Ellie who was patting her mother.

I received a bump on my head from Vanessa, she glared at me and said, "Language, sweetheart".

I went near Vanessa and said, "Every time you hit me I have counted it, be ready for the punishment tonight" while slapping her ass secretly.

Vanessa stood in front of Ellie and glared at me, for two reasons. The first reason was that I couldn't take the child to a dangerous place and the second one was well understood.

Ellie wanted to come but Evelyn hold her saying otherwise.

Katana followed me and Vanessa took Evelyn and Ellie to the place where they kept other victims and she turned into her monstrous form to guard them against the bats.

I reached the dungeon with Katana at my back. The entire environment reeked of blood, streams of dried blood were on the floor, and the walls were filled with patches of blood.

I heard the sound of crying in pain, I and Katana rushed towards the sound and found a Vampire raping and drinking the blood from the woman tied to a bed.

Katana rushed in and kicked the Vampire. The vampire fell off the woman, I came in front of the woman and manipulated air molecules to change its configuration and turn into a cotton sheet, and covered her. I healed her and turned her bindings to dust.

She jumped into my embrace, I hugged her to calm her down while extending my hands to stop Katana from killing the Vampire. They can't die so easily, they had to suffer.

Suddenly two bat-winged beings came inside the room that we were in. These were the last two Vampires left to capture. They were having their meal when someone barged into their dining room. They were enraged and when they found out I defeated one of their kind and captured him.

They tried to call their other members but no one answered. Vampires were prideful creatures, they attacked me even after finding no answers from their other members.

The woman in my arms held me tightly seeing the two Vampires. She was crying but no sound escaped her mouth. She looked traumatized and was shivering from fear.

I stood there hugging her and extended my hands to touch the vampire's wings and disintegrate them. My actions were very fast for them to perceive. The Vampires fall to the ground and roll in pain. I hold the Vampire that Katana defeated to let her deal with them while they were distracted due to pain.

Katana strode and cut their limbs and the power of SoulEater prevented their limbs from regeneration and it also caused them extreme pain.

I looked at her blankly and thought, "Couldn't she had done this from the start".

Katana, on the other hand, was also shocked that she could cut their limbs without them being disintegrated.

I used one of my hands to cut the limbs of the Vampire we defeated at the start when we entered the room.

They screamed in pain but I manipulated cells on their lips to seal their mouth. They looked like their mouth had been erased.

"It's okay, I and that Lady defeated the monsters, you are safe now", I spoke to the lady in my embrace while patting her head. She calmed down and opened her eyes to look around albeit slowly.

She found defeated Vampires rolling on the ground without their mouths.

"Do you know where are other prisoners kept?", although I know their location, I asked her to distract her mind.

She nodded and pointed in the direction of the door.

I left the Vampires on the ground as they cannot escape with no limbs and wings. I also locked their mind powers such as hypnosis.

When I arrived at the prison, I saw 20 women and 5 children, all of them naked and several bite marks all over their bodies. Some even had severed fingers or limbs. They also looked malnourished due to bloodsucking. The majority of them had no light in their eyes. It hurt me to see them like this.

The children were in good condition than others as the blood of the children was not tastier for Vampires.

I healed them all together and made them wear clothes. All of them looked at me afraid.

"Don't worry I have come to rescue you", I said hoping to calm them down.

But they all backed away hearing my words. I was confused by their action.

I read their mind for information and was shocked to find the reason.

The Vampires used their shape-shifting skills to prank them by saying that they had come to the rescue. It ignited hope in them. The Vampires led them to gates and turn back to their original form and drag them into the dungeon and say to them that no one would come to the rescue them.

They can't even commit suicide due to hypnosis.

I brought the Vampires by extending my limbs.

They all started shivering and crying in fear but they kept their mouth shut to not leak any sound.

They would be punished severely for the sound. I saw those with no light in their eyes also start crying in fear.

"These were the monsters that tortured you and now they are screaming in pain. Don't fear them I had already cut off their limbs and wings and also blocked their hypnosis, they can't hurt you", I said while putting my foot on the head of one of the Vampires.

I created a knife of the metal of SoulEater and threw it toward them and said, "Give the taste of the pain that you felt at the hands of these monsters".

No one came, I sighed, the fear and trauma were deeply engraved into their minds. I was about to take back the knife suddenly the woman I saved from rape came in front of me and grabbed the knife and impaled the Vampire's thighs who raped her.

She looked back at me and I understood and undid the sealing of the mouth of the Vampires.

The shouts of the Vampire stopped the shivering and crying of the women and children. The more the woman tortured the Vampire, the more light returned to her eyes of the group of women.

Soon one by one they came forward and started to torture the Vampires. They don't care if this was a prank by vampires, they just wanted to the faces of these monsters crying for help and mercy.

I called Vanessa, she came with the first captured Vampire and the children and women who were turned back from being Vampire to humans by me.

I left the Vampires in the care of women, I took children from there.

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