

"Rumi-ssi..." Misoo called. Rumi turned around in her chair drowsily looking at her. "It's pack up time." Misoo smiled patting her handbag that she had packed up. Rumi let out a huge sigh in relief.

"Finally." Rumi yawned stretching her limbs. "Unnie, couldn't you have let go of your subordinate early today?" Rumi asked tidying her desk.

Misoo scoffed. "For what reason? Do you have a date or something." Rumi snorted at that. Her on a date. As if. She laughed shakily her head. "Then, why should I let you go, when there are whole lot of things to be taken care off?"

"Aish. Okay, never mind that. Let's just go!" She stood up from her chair with a jump. Pocketing her handphone, she looked at Misoo who was making her way out of her makeshift cabin.

"How can you travel without a bag, like that?" Misoo asked looking at the empty-handed Rumi. Nothing but her handphone to carry around. Rumi grinned, shrugging her shoulder at Misoo question. "Don't you have things to carry? Like napkins, wallets, accessories?"

"Ani, my things and wallet is my phone. Napkins, I can get it anywhere. And accessories?" She left the later part alone, not exactly knowing what is included in accessories. "Either way I don't like holding things. Empty hands feel better." She smiled showing her hands to Misoo.

"Really?" Misoo asked and placed her handbag in Rumi's empty hands. She stared at the bag placed in her hands and then at Misoo who was fixing her hair while making way out of the office.

"Unnie..." Rumi glanced at her unnie and then at her now full with burden hands. She felt for the husbands who have carry their wife's bags around. Sighing, she nodded her head. "I feel you husbands."

"It's true." Misoo said attracting Rumi's attention. "Empty hands do feel nice." Misoo smiled swing her arms back and forth as she walked. "How about you carry my bag every day?" Misoo asked smiling up at her.

"Unnie. How much of slave are you going to turn me into?" Rumi asked looking at Misoo in disbelief. Misoo laughed and took her handbag back from Rumi's hands. "Eo? Where are you going?" Rumi questioned when Misoo started walking the other direction instead of waiting at the elevator. "Aren't you going home?" She asked pressing the button.

"I am but still have something to do. You go ahead and have a good rest. Don't forget about tomorrow!" Misoo said waving her hand at Rumi.

"Aarsseoyo!" Rumi shouted back waving her own hand. "Oh? Mianhamnida!" Rumi bowed realizing the elevator door had opened with people inside waiting for her to get in. Quickly getting inside she pressed the close door few times apologizing to others again. Rumi let out a sigh of relief when the doors closed and the elevator started moving again. Leaning her head against the side wall, she let out a sigh again.

Today was really tiring. Firstly, she had really bad morning, then she had get stuck in an elevator. But, that wasn't bad considering she got an excuse to loiter around and not get stuck between mountains of paper, be it for few minutes. But, somehow God wasn't really having it for her today. If few minutes were given then two times worth of her mental stability was taken. She didn't knew that table work could this stressful, to the point where she wanted to pull her hair out. But again, it wasn't the most exhausting part of her day.

Going out on a lunch with Jangmi-ssi took the foremost place. Rumi shook her head thinking about that part of her day. Jangmi was so persistent today that Rumi had no choice but to agree, at least she won at bargaining to having it at company's canteen instead of going out. Which turned out to be not a good decision on her part, as around the whole lunch she felt eyes on them. Jangmi was paying to heed to them but Rumi good clearly feel them. Rumi didn't know what they were for but she sure did felt uncomfortable whole the lunch. Jangmi was in different zone, she was talking, talking and talking while Rumi just smiled and occasionally nodded her head.

Rumi had finally came to the point where the pressure cooker's whistle was going to come off when her saviour came. Hyun, switching off the gas before the whistle could go off with his hopelessly in love with his sunbae act.

"Sunbae, what are you doing again?" Seeing him walk towards them, Rumi felt she could kiss this man for saving her from this dreadful situation.

"Hyun-ah!" Rumi giddily stood up locking her arm with him.

"Sunbae, how can you have lunch with some else like this?" Hyun asked turning towards her and cupping her cheek. Rumi smiled thinking about how much she loved this man right now.

"Ani, Hyun-ah." Rumi smiled shaking her head. "How could I do something like that?" Rumi said leaning into his touch.

"Umm...Unnie?" A voice interrupted their melodrama. Hyun stepped back from Rumi and bowed towards Jangmi. "Gwok Hyunki-ssi, right?" Jangmi asked her voice stiff. Hyun stiffly nodded back.

"Hahaha. I am so sorry, Jangmi-ssi. Hyun-ah here, is quite possessive." Rumi interrupted pinching Hyun's cheek. "Hyun-ah, I didn't mean to stand you up. But, Jangmi-ssi insisted on having lunch together today and I couldn't deny her wishes." Rumi cooed.

"It's okay sunbaenim." Hyun said looking away. "If you are done with your lunch then can we go? I need to talk to Sunbaenim about something." Hyun said looking at Jangmi. Not waiting for her reply, he bowed towards her and dragged Rumi along with him.

"Eo? Jangmi-ssi! It was nice having lunch with you." Rumi shouted waving her hand at broken Jangmi, who opened and closed her mouth trying comprehend what just really happened. "Hyun-ah! You are my saviour!" Rumi laughed trying to kiss Hyun on his cheek, who swiftly avoided it. "How did you know? I needed to be saved?"

Hyun rolled his eyes. "I saw you sitting all awkward, under those stares." He replied.

"Saw me? Woah, are stalking me or what?" Rumi asked wiggling her eyebrows at him. Hyun gave her a look.

"Do you want me to take you back to Jangmi-ssi?" Rumi hugged his arm and shook her head. "Ani. Ani." Hyun scoffed letting her off.

"You know, I feel bad for her." Rumi said looking at him. "She clearly thinks about me as more than a unnie and I am taking advantage of her feelings."

"Then don't" Hyun replied.

"I don't want to. But she could be of help, considering the fact that she is from HR department." Rumi explained. "And on the other hand, I don't know to how reject someone's feeling like that?"

"Thought you were expert at that." Hyun muttered.


"Nothing. I think she'll get an idea after seeing our act." Hyun said.

Rumi really hoped, she would. Because, she really didn't want to play with someone's feeling like that. She hoped Jangmi would rather be her good friend and not have feelings for her. Rumi sighed again. What an eventful day she had. If today wasn't enough than Misoo unnie had been nagging about tomorrow and how she shouldn't be prepared and all. "Why is my life so complicated, these days?" She sighed muttering to herself.

"Tired?" The whisper in her ear made her snap up with fist ready to punch whoever dared to in his face. Unfortunately, her fist didn't meet any face.

"Gu Hwa?" Rumi asked looking at the man smiling down at her. Gu Hwa smiled placing her hand on his chest and his own arm going behind her waist to hold the handle. "De, Rumi." Rumi glanced at him and at her hand which now rested on his hard chest. Wow, he really has good chest muscle. Rumi thought feeling his chest muscle under her palm. Realizing what she was doing, she shook her and looked up at him.

"What do you think you were doing? Are you mad or what sneaking up on-"

"Yes, madly in love with you." He cut her off. Whispers and cheering could be heard from the rest of the people in the elevator. Rumi glanced at them and took in the position her and Gu Hwa were in.

"Let go off me." She whisper-shouted pushing Gu Hwa away and straightening herself. Gu Hwa just grinned at her, deliberately pushing and standing close to her. "What are you doing?" She asked pushing herself more into the wall and away from him.

"What? I am doing nothing." Gu Hwa grinned. Rumi scoffed and stared at the digital screen showing the number of levels going down. She hoped the elevator would not break down like in the morning. "How was your day? You look really tired." Gu said lightly tucking her hair behind her ear. Rumi glared at him.

"What are you trying to do, Gu Hwa?" She gritted through her teeth taking caution of not being heard by the numbers ears presents in the elevator. But Gu Hwa was not having it all.

"Me? I am trying to woo you." Gu Hwa answered with stupid grin on his face. Again, the cheering was heard. Rumi cursed and hid her face from embarrassment. Gu Hwa chuckled at her cuteness before turning towards the crowd behind him. "Yeorobon, my girl is little shy, so tone down on the teasing." More cheers were heard at that.

Stupid fuckard! Is he trying to get on my nerves? If those people weren't here, I would have rolled him into a fucking ball. Rumi cursed in her mind imagining, turning Gu Hwa into a ball.

Thankfully, the elevator stopped. As soon as the doors opened, Rumi was out of there, making a beeline directly out of the building. Gu Hwa on her toes. "Where did you run off to, yesterday? I was looking for you everywhere." He asked matching her pace.

"Huh? Do you expect me to stay there and celebrate your brother's promotion, which by the way he snatched it from me?" Rumi replied not stopping her feet until they were out of the company's corridor. She groaned, aggressively tapping her id on the detector. Gu Hwa who was behind her, grabbed her wrist and lightly pressing her id for the door to open.

"No. I didn't mean it like that Rumi." Gu Hwa said as Rumi shrugged of his touch and started walking again. "I was just looking for you. You didn't even inform me that you were leaving and just disappeared like that."

"Excuse me?" Rumi finally stopped, turning towards him. "Why should I inform you anything in the first place? And for the record, I have already warned you to not show up in front of me unless and until it is about work." She reminded him while pulling out her handphone to text Hyun that she was out in front but there was already a text from Hyun saying that he was busy so Youngjae was going to pick her up instead. When did these two got close? Rumi thought pocking her phone.

"I can't do." Gu Hwa simply replied. Rumi was going to retort something back but she was cut off. "How are you going back? Let me drop you off." He said showing her his car keys. Rumi scoffed looking away when her eyes fell on Youngjae leaning against his car while looking at his phone screen and laughing.

"Oppa!" She called. Youngjae looked up glancing at the voice and waved his hand. "Eo! Let's go." Noticing Gu Hwa beside her, he pushed off the car. It was a rare sight. Gu Hwa standing beside Rumi and not lying on ground beat up. "How come you are here today?" Rumi asked reaching by his side.

"Um, I was free." He replied staring down at Gu Hwa who had followed along.

"Sunbae-nim." Gu Hwa greeted bowing his head towards Youngjae. "Eo." Youngjae nodded bowing back.

"Forget about him, let's go." Rumi said pushing Youngjae towards the drivers seat as she herself got into the passenger's seat.

"Bye." Gu Hwa said as Rumi slammed the door shut. "Don't forget to text me." To which Rumi threw him her middle finger as Youngjae pulled the car out of the driveway.

"That guy, is seriously something." Youngjae said staring at Gu Hwa waving in the rear-view mirror. Rumi scoffed crossing her arms. "What was he doing? And how come he was standing?"

"Don't ask. I wanted to bash his face, so badly." Rumi replied unbuttoning and rolling up her shirt sleeve. "I don't know how did I control myself." Youngjae laughed at that.

"I think working around this celebrities you are calming down." Youngjae commented to which a hum was returned. "Are you tired?"

"Hmm. Very much." Rumi replied closing her eyes and leaning back in her chair.

"How about a drink?" She snapped her eyes opened and grinning at Youngjae, who grinned back pressing on the gas pedal.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Rumi-ya...Rumi-ya, look at me." Youngjae begged glancing at Rumi who had her eyes close paying heed to Youngjae. "Rumi-ya, oppa mianhae." He apologized pulling the brakes and turning towards Rumi. Upon feeling the car stopping, Rumi opened her eyes.

"Please, Rumi-ya..." Rumi continued to ignore him and unlocked her seat belt trying to get out when Youngjae grabbed her hand. "Oppa, jinja mianhae, Rumi-ya." Youngjae apologised. "Why don't you take a leave today, huh? Rest at home."

"Let go off me." Rumi pulled her hand back and got off the car. "And, do not talk to me." She warned before slamming the door at Youngjae's face. She could hear Youngjae's begging and worried calls from behind attracting the attention of passer-by. "Ugh. I can't have a peaceful day." She groaned holding her back while walking inside the site. Today, as Misoo unnie had said more like warned, was the day of shoot. Some of the boys of Seventeen were having a shoot today and Rumi was appointed as the site team manager from production department.

She walked in greeting everyone on the site, everyone was already at work since she was late because of that stupid Youngjae oppa. She groaned thinking about last night. "Rumi-ssi?" She was interrupted in between her tantrum. "Ah, ye." She nodded and walked towards the man who had called. The man handed her the memo, poor guy had to do Rumi's work.

"There are some things left that need to be checked." The man said.

"Ah, ye. Thank you and I am really sorry." Rumi bowed apologizing for the inconvenience she had caused. The man nodded and left. Rumi sighed turning her attention to the half-checked list. " Ah, it's time to work." She muttered to herself.

"Good morning everyone!" She heard a cheery voice greeting. She glanced up to see a man walk pass her straight into the wire causing him to stumble and almost kiss the floor if Rumi hadn't quickly moved and grabbed his hoodie pulling him back. Her arm circled around his waist stabling him.

"What are you doing?!" She shouted at the man who was carrying a wired equipment attached to the power switch. The guy quickly bowed apologising. "This is the only way in. Be cautious about what are you carrying around here!" Rumi scolded the man who kept apologizing and bowing towards them.

"Mingyu-ya?" Rumi snapped her head towards the voice. It was one of the Seventeen's boys, Jeon Wonwoo. "Gwenchana?" He asked looking beside her. Rumi turned to look at the man in her arms.

"Ah, I am sorry." Rumi apologized, letting go of Mingyu. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"Ye. I am alright." Mingyu smiled fixing his hoodie. "We meet again, Rumi-ssi." He grinned scratching his head. Rumi chuckled and nodded again.

"Ye, we meet again. You aren't hurt anywhere, are you?" She asked checking him out. Mingyu shook his head in answer. Rumi smiled when another head came into her view. It was Jeon Wonwoo. Smiling at him, she bowed her head in greeting.

"What are you-" Mingyu was about asked her something when her phone rang.

"Just a sec." She smiled pulled out her phone. It was Misoo calling. "I need to take this. We'll talk later." She patted his arm and walked away. "De, Unnie.."

"Do you know her?" Wonwoo asked as both of them stared at her leaving back.

"Eo. The drunken one we were talking about that day." Mingyu nodded. "Waeyo?" Mingyu asked noticing the look in Wonwoo's eyes.

"Nothing. It's just, I feel like I've seen her before." He replied.

Do you think Wonwoo would recognize Rumi? And why do you think Rumi is upset with Youngjae? Let me know in comment section below! Also don't forget to vote and share this story with your pals. Do add this book to your library and reading list so you won't miss an update. Take care and be safe!



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