
"Dae?" Rumi answered glancing at the boys. She somehow survived, thanks to Gwok Hyun-ki who called her at the right time. For first time Gwok Hyun-ki had the right timing.

"He confessed." Hyun spoke.

"Confessed? Who?" Rumi furrowed her eyebrows. There was sound of sucking in breath. Hyun was annoyed and exhausted. He had spent his night looking after a kid who would piss at every question he was asked. No sleep, food or rest. He just wanted to drop down at this point.

"The kid we caught last night." Rumi made a oh sound. "He says he used to run a fan site before but stop when he was approached by a company of sort who pays him for following and recording idols-"

"Stalking." Rumi corrected him. "Did you get information on that so called company?"

"That's the thing." Hyun let out an exhausted sigh. "He received a mail from them, asking if he was interested then sent him a link to some sort of software."


"Yes, software. Basically, there was everything they needed to know to follow idols around. Schedules, passes to private places, everything. Things that media would have a field day if they had their hands to it. All he needed to do was follow the artists and record them. And they were paid quite a good amount of sum for each upload." He explained.

"What sort of deed are these guys are doing? The software? Can we get an excess to it?" Rumi asked knitting her eyebrows together. A loud sighed was heard from Hyun's side.

"I went back to his place for it. When he signed in it automatically shut down."

"Shut down? That brat must have done something to it!" Rumi shouted in frustration earning attention from passers-by. Rumi was the worst person at being patient.

"No, he didn't. The application shut down by itself and now we cannot accessed to it."

"How is that possible? What sort sorcerous application was that?"

"A highly secured one. I think it worked on face recognition, hence shut down with detecting an unknown face." He explained.

"I don't understand this tech-shit." Rumi curse scratching her forehead. "That kid, where is he? Bring him in, I'll get everything out of him, about the software and that so called company."

"CAN YOU-!" Hyun almost lost it. "Can you just not think with your fist?" Hyun sighed calming himself thinking why was he paired with her. All she ever did was punch this and that. "He is a kid, first of all. Secondly, he is not lying from whatever he said since it is crosschecked. Now, all that is left is the software. I'll take this to tech team and see what they can do."

"Bring that kid with you." Rumi instructed. Hyun opened his mouth in disagreement. "Keep him in the custody for the time being and then we can hand him over to authorities." She said making him nod in agreement. "You have to take care of it for the time being since I'm in kind of things. I'll be back by the evening though."

"Evening? Why the fuck it's me with all the dirty work?! And what kind of things? Don't tell me you beat up someone?!" Hyun screamed her ear off.

"Fuck off! What do you think I am, a gangster or what? Beat up someone!" She laughed angrily. "And I didn't asked to be stuck in this shithole too yet here am I! A promotion that's all I wanted!" Rumi cried glancing at the grave she had digged earlier. "But I am stuck looking after kids. Why is that only two us looking after this football team?"

"Kids? Rumi don't underestimate this case." A whatever was thrown at him. "Because you threw a fit! And first time I agree with you. Why wouldn't they pair me with someone efficient than you?"

"Fuck off. I don't give a single dime about what they are doing? I am going to things my way since they think I always break the codes. You can do what is needed to be done, I am sure they don't give a fuck about what I do. Anyways, I'll see you in the evening." She sighed before hanging up the call. "Deva, tula mi khush baghvat nahi na? (God, you can't see me happy, right?)" She spoke staring up before shaking her head and straightening up. "Rumi, put on a big smile. That is what you need to get through this." She nodded to herself and stretched her lips into a bright smile. "You can do it." Rumi made her way back to the table.

"Mianhae, I had to take that call." Rumi apologised smiled at the boys.

"Wasn't it your annoying partner?" Chan asked looking up at her since she was standing beside him. Rumi furrowed her eyebrows at him. "You talked about him that night." He answered her unasked question. "You also said I remind you of him." He continued with a pout of his face.

"I did?" She laughed. "Man, I was too drunk then to talk about him." She smiled looking at the others when she noticed the guy, she had called cute earlier. Her smile dropped, what the hell? Don't tell me- she glanced at the hamster who was grinning at her.

"Ah, Rumi meet Lee Jihoon aka Woozi." Hoshi spoke with teasing grin on his face. "Jihoon-ah, this is Rumi." The guy looked up at her with soft smile on his face. Oh, dimples! I am weak for dimples. Rumi smiled putting her hand to him.

"Rumi Raikar. Nice to meet you." She smiled when he took her hand and gave it a light shake. So cute!

"Hello. Lee Jihoon." His smile making his eyes disappear.

"Ahh so cute."

"Dae?" He asked little surprised. Rumi pressed her lips realizing she had spoken her thoughts out loud. Numerous snickers were heard from background.

"Uh sorry. It's just you are too cute." She smiled scratching back of her neck. Jihoon looked even more surprised with her straight forwardness. He had heard her quite alright but didn't thought that she would repeat it.

"Uh-gamsahabnida." Jihoon replied bowing his head in embarrassment. He had been called cute numerous time before but never felt embarrassed like this. Maybe because it was a total stranger this time and not his fan. There were teasing noises from behind.

"Uh, they mentioned you sing." Rumi smiled ignoring the teasing noise from behind. Jihoon smile and nodded in answer. "That's nice."

"Yah, what's with you? Is this how you flirt? No wonder you are single." Chan said shaking his head in disappointment.

"Excuse me! Tone down your sass." Rumi narrowed her eyes at Chan while crossing her arms. Damn kid, has been getting on my nerves. "And who told you I was single?" She huffed turning her head away, quite sassily.

"Mwoya?" Chan snorted at her actions. "So, you have a boyfriend?" He asked raising his eyebrow. Her crossed arms dropped to her sides.

"Well...no. Because I want to focus on my job right now!" She quickly reasoned noticing the 'I knew it' look on Chan's face.

"I want to focus on my job right now." He teased enacting her. "You can't even flirt." He accused. "You should get drunk every time you want to flirt, your drunk self does better job."

"Yah! Geumanhae. (Stop it)" Mingyu scolded but it wasn't convincing since he was trying so hard to hold his laughter. Rumi huffed crossing her arms again. If she could, she would've smack the damn kid on his head.

"What do you know about flirting?" She murmured picking her lone coffee and sipping it.

"Chan-ah what's with your manners?" It was Jihoon this time who scolded him. "You can't talk like that." A smile formed on Rumi's face. He's cute and has manners too. "I apologize on his behalf." Jihoon turned towards her with apologetic smile on his face.

"Oh no. It's fine, I know he didn't mean bad." She shook her head smiling back at him. Jihoon nodded and sent a pointed look towards Chan. "So, you are like an idol?" Rumi asked changing the topic. Jihoon nodded his head in answer. "You do have that look."

"What about me? Don't I have that look?" Hoshi questioned holding his face in his palm and blinking his eyes at her. Rumi blinked back. Will it be too much? They are quite famous right?

"Umm, well you all look pretty handsome except for this punk here." She said patting Chan shoulder who snapped his head up at her looking clearly offending. "Mwo? I can do it too." She smirked raising her eyebrow at him making other crackle in laughter. Rumi winked at him sipping the last sip of her coffee. "Well, my lunch time is over." She commented checking her watch. "I need to get back to my work. It was nice meeting you guys again." She smiled at the boys. "And Hoshi-ssi and Jihoon-ssi, it was nice meeting you too."

"It was nice meeting you again too." Mingyu grinned back.

"Then." She nodded. "I'll see you around." Rumi smiled bowing her head in goodbye.

"I'm heading back too." Jihoon said looking at Rumi who stopped and smiled. "Call me when you are heading back to dorms." He reminded his brothers before joining Rumi as both made their way to escalators. "I am sorry about them. They can be too much sometimes." Jihoon apologised again.

"Oh no, no, it's fine really. I didn't mind it. In fact, it felt good having someone talk like that." She smiled. It is true. "It's been stuffy with everyone stiff and crisp around here. So, I felt better after talking to them." Though it was still a snag.

"Is it difficult?" Jihoon asked noticing the question mark at Rumi's face he shook his head. "I didn't mean it like that, it just seems like you are having a hard time adjusting the way you talked..." Jihoon looked feeling like he was way too poking his nose in other's life.

"Honestly speaking it is difficult for me to adjust in here, since it is really big change of scenario for me." It was, from punching faces for living to just smiling and nodding all day long was a major change of scenario for her. She had done all kind of job from pretending to be a businesswoman to pretending to be a sex worker but never had she to put on smile till it hurt her cheeks.

"Hang in there." Jihoon smiled holding up his fist. Rumi chuckled holding up her fist too.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Coming through!" A shrill voice shouted parting the crowd as it hurriedly made its way towards the escalators. The person was running carrying huge bundles of file which blocked its vision. Rumi didn't notice the force heading from her side as it collided into her. Rumi's body jerked to side her shoulder bumping into Jihoon quite hard. "Omo! Omo!" The person cried as its foot twisted while all the file flew into air. "Aniyo!" The voice screamed as it felt losing its balance. "Appa, mianhae you couldn't see your daughter married." The person prayed closing her eyes accepting her fate. A fall to death. "Huh?" Was she floating? She thought opening her eyes. "Mwoya?" Her lips parted. It was like a scene out of a drama, white fog and little hearts floating around, a strong grip around her waist stopping her from ass kissing the ground as her saviour looked down at her with worry in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" English. She speaks English. A dreamy smile formed on her face. "Gwaenchaneuseyo?" Ah she speaks Korean too. "Jogiyo-" Her saviour suddenly hugged her close protecting her from the files which rained on them. A groan left her saviour's mouth as she pulled from her. "Are you okay? You are not hurt right?" Her saviour asked pulling her up. She nodded tightly gripping her saviour suit jacket.

"Rumi-ssi? Are you okay?" A voice asked from behind them. It was Jihoon, who looked worried. Rumi had taken the raining files on her back, which would've hurt quite bad.

"Ne, I am okay." Rumi nodded and looked towards the lady who almost ass-kissed the ground. "Umm-you are not hurt right?" She asked again looking at the lady's grip on her jacket. The lady shook her head giving her a shy smile as her cheeks turned red. "Okay." Rumi slowly let go of her waist.

"Ahh!" The lady cried losing her balance again, Rumi quickly wrapped her arm her waist again. "My foot..." The lady hissed as tears gathered in her eyes. Rumi looked down at her feet. It was her right foot; heel of her pump was broken while her foot was turning red at ankle.

"It's twisted." Rumi stated tightening her grip and pulling the lady's weight on her so it wouldn't rest on her foot. "We need first aid."

"Let's take her to medical room." Jihoon quickly said moving to help the injured when; "Hold on tight." Rumi moved the lady's hands from her jacket to around her neck and put hers under the lady's knees, lifting her up in one go.

"Omo!" The lady blushed pressing her lips together.

"Jihoon-ssi, please show the way." Jihoon blinked his eyes few times before closing his mouth.

"Ne." He nodded and guided them.

We have new character entry!



nuggety_nuggetcreators' thoughts
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