
Chapter 15: Iron man to the Rescue

After a short fight with the rest of the grunts, Pepper eventually has a moment to breathe and slowly leaves the knocked-out grunts and continues to try and escape but is suddenly hit with a blast and sent across the area and into a bunch of boxes.

" Shock me will you, that will teach you to mess with me." Shocker slowly dusts himself off then continues to point his gauntlets at the boxes that pepper went flying into before kicking some of the goons on the ground only to get a groan in response.

" I'll admit you are one tough cookie but you ain't getting out of here" Shocker then once again blasts the boxes only to find nothing there and just as he is about to look around Pepper manages to slip under his guard and uppercuts him with her palm sending him reeling before barely dodging his kick as he tries to retaliate.

Meanwhile, Tony flying through the sky speaks up " hey Jarvis hack into any nearby tech close to Pepper and give me a situation report." Jarvis replies " Sir I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the location in question does not seem to have any devices into which I could hack."

Tony sighs before picking up speed and heading off across town. " tell me, Jarvis, what should I call myself? After all, every superhero needs a name right, how about Titanium man." Tony then shakes his head " No that sounds absolutely stupid I mean Captain America wasn't called shield guy after all."

Jarvis then pipes up " How about what they are calling you online sir." Jarvis pulls up in Tony's HUD a forum talking about the Iron man that saved the day. Tony looks at it and was about to dismiss it as the suit wasn't iron, but then remembered his earlier jab " You know what Jarvis great idea."

Meanwhile, watching two people fight the man from Roxxon sighs " it would seem that this little test has proven to be sub-optimal at best I'll have to up my game if I am to prove myself to upper management." he then gets into a nearby vehicle before it drives away.

As Pepper is barely able to hold her own as she goes toe to toe with Shocker a sudden right hook from him sends her reeling before she gets hit almost point-blank with the blast from Shocker. " haha, got you now you slippery bitch you won't be able to escape give up and tell me who you work for."

Shocker walks up to Pepper while she is groaning on the ground. Pepper is not looking so good as she tries to get up she is bruised all over but mostly her arms as she had used them to block a lot and that last hit may have cracked a rib as it hurts her when she moves too extensively but non the less she gets up and readies to continue the fight.

" fine have it your way toots I don't think you would have told us anything anyway" and as Shocker charges a blast he is suddenly hit by a beam to the chest sending him flying.

Out of the shadows walks Unicorn the lens on his armor dissipating heat and his large frame intimidating. " That's enough Herman I have tolerated your insubordination long enough stand down boss man wants to know who she works for." Unicorn walks over to Pepper towering over her at 6'9

" Now tell me what I want to kno-" but before he could finish his sentence a loud sound plays as music fills the area ACDC's "Thunderstruck" starts to play and while Unicorn is distracted he is hit by a beam and sent flying into Shocker as a Robotic sounding voice sounds out " well well well, Two grown men picking on a beauty in my city not gonna happen

Both Unicorn and Shocker groan and stand up before both look confused before Unicorn speaks up." who are you supposed to be? " Tony looks at them before smirking under the helm and playing a sound clip" I am Iron Man. "

Hey there author here sorry for the late chapter but some things came up that slowed me down anyway enjoy

Demonicgundamcreators' thoughts
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