
Robbing Asgard pt2

We traveled all the way to the shore, once there Loki led me through the streets, and I saw a lot of cool things like Asgardians partaking in drinking contests and them showing off their scars and battle wounds. I feel like it is a cliche that I'm seeing all of this on my first ever visit to Asgard.

Eventually, we arrived at the front door of my new house for two days until the celebration. He opened the door and made sure to make it a point that he is walking in first.

"Nice place," I said while looking around

The house was big, it had nice comfy homestyle furniture nothing that looked nice but obviously was a pain to use, there were two floors and the bedroom was on the upper floor.

"Of course it is, I picked it out," Loki replied with a smirk

"You can't help yourself can you?" I quipped back at him

"What do you mean?" He said looking genuinely confused

Wow, he doesn't even notice his arrogance, Loki is on a whole different level of superiority complex.

"Never mind," I shook my head in exasperation

"Well, then I'm going to go back to the palace now, see you tomorrow to go over our plans before we start," He said as he walked out of the house

Arrogant ass had to say palace couldn't just say house or home. Anyways, now that he is gone I should go over the plan by myself then I can go have fun in Asgard.

First I need to check on my rune emps which are in my inventory, there is a grand total of ten emps.

Seeing that I have everything else, I decided to head out of the house and have some fun in Asgard, of course, I'm staying in my invisible mode.

As I opened the front door the beautiful view of the rainbow bridge with the sun illuminating the entirety of Asgard reflected in my eyes, the pure ethereal beauty that Asgard displayed was something I will never forget.

I want to save this memory forever to show the goblins a city of gold, they would probably go insane trying to find where it is.

I started to walk on the streets, they were filled with happy people chatting away, I could smell the unmistakable scent of alcohol wafting through the air, and I saw drunkards stumbling around trying to find their homes.

Asgard looked fun!

I began to walk around looking for anything someone wouldn't miss, I rounded the corner to see a bar that had a door like a garage so I didn't have to walk through a door, I entered the bar, and my senses immediately got assaulted with the strong heavy scent of Asgardian brews. I'm going to have to come back here as jack sparrow for sure, sadly I can't right now seeing as I have to keep a low profile.

I saw that they were drinking out of these cool horn cups, seeing them drew me in my kleptomania was acting up no matter how much I temper my mind I still have some annoying episodes, sneaking over I nimbly grabbed a cup and put it into my inventory.

As I was walking out of the bar I heard someone shout, "Hey! Where is my horn!" he sounded angry and very drunk

"Hahaha, you must *hiccup* have misplaced it," his friend said in a drunken drawl

"I didn't! You took it!" he snarled in anger

"I didn't take anything you drunk," his friend said angrily

"That's it!" he shouted throwing a punch at his friend

*pah* his fist connected with his friend's face causing his friend to fall on the bar floor

His friend then tackled him to the ground, and then a huge bar brawl broke out all because of one horn.

Asgard is a crazy place.

[next night]

It's the next night and Loki just arrived to talk about the plan, he didn't show up all arrogant this time and seemed to be taking everything seriously so far.

"I will drug Odin's brew tomorrow with a very rare poison from a realm that is not well known, you will then get passed the guards and get to the vault door, I will meet you there then we go in together," Loki said moving coins as a demonstration

"I see you're taking the Zeus route, and what about Heimdall?" I asked skeptically

"Zeus route? Mortal sayings are weird, Heimdall will be difficult to trick but if we make a multi-layered illusion around us then we might be able to pull it off, if not then we are screwed," Loki said in a grave tone

"So we have to get lucky?" I said bewildered

"Well unless you have another method, I'm not even sure the poison will work on Odin," Loki replied with a scowl

"Hmm, how about you trick someone into poisoning him for you and then you catch them in the act and make a big deal of it, while I handle the vault," I suggested

"That could work but the vault door would be almost impossible to get through without me there," he said

"I can fix that, if you trust me we can make a blood sculpture and then split your mind with the sculpture allowing you to be in two places at once," I replied moving one Galleon to the celebration area and another with me

He narrowed his eyes at me and said, "take a magical vow you won't do anything but make the temporary blood sculpture with my blood,"

I acted like I was struggling with the decision and then said, "I Harry James Potter Lord of the most ancient and noble house of potter swear I will not use Loki's blood for anything other than what he wishes, so mote it be," finished I willed magic to shoot out from my body showing I did the vow

"Good," Loki said with an evil smirk which I mirrored

-Narrator pov -

[night of the celebration]

Loki drank at a table away from Odin as the celebrations commenced, Odin was happily drinking up a storm as he jovially bonded with his subjects. With a slight twitch of his finger, the Asgardian, Loki manipulated moved with perfect fluidity toward the all-father, he poured the poison into his own horn

"All-father allow me to share with you a drink," he spoke taking a sip of his own poisoned drink and passing it to Odin

Odin was about to take a sip when he stopped and looked deeply into the man in front of him, "Why have you poisoned this?" Odin asked sharply

The man tried to say he didn't want to but all that came out was, "FOR THE HORD!" he then rushed Odin like a madman

Odin swatted him away easily but while doing so he didn't see someone pouring something into his chalice.

"Take him to the cells, I want to speak to this man later," Odin said taking a large gulp of his chalice

"Oh, you got me," Odin said gravely as he looked down at his drink

Loki sprang into action, "Father, what do you mean he got you!" he said in a desperate voice

"I have been poisoned but no worries this pathetic concoction can't harm me," Odin said smiling at his son

"Guards lock this room down he must have had a partner," Loki said furiously

"Who dares to attack the throne," he added for the dramatic effect

Elsewhere, Harry and the sculpture version of Loki made their way to the vault, Harry was invisible thanks to the power of the hollows but Loki was only under an illusion of invisibility.

They quickly made it past the guards without harming them in any way, finally, they reached the alarm path right before the vault door. Taking out his emps Harry quickly channeled magic into them the emp waves immediately started to do their magic as the Asgardian runes started to not respond, Harry and sculpture Loki made their way through the path with Harry leaving the emps on the ground so they could leave easier.

Finally, they reached the vault door, Loki took over and began to tap the Vault door in several areas mumbling incoherently. The door began to swing open once fully open they both moved inside.

Harry began to stuff all he could see into his inventory, he saw the infinity gauntlet Odin made and put it into his inventory as well.

The sculpture Loki turned to Harry and said urgently, "He knows someone is in the vault! Hurry he is on his way!"

"I'm going to dispel you okay?" Harry said quickly and the sculpture nodded

Waving His hand Harry made the sculpture crumble into dust, he tried to Portal out but he couldn't somehow Odin could block the mystic arts teleportation technique.

Turning invisible Harry made a run for it, just as he left the vault Odin arrived.

"I can feel you are still here thief, reveal yourself!" Odin shouted angrily

Seeing as Harry couldn't possibly fight Odin head-on he opted for a more tricky strategy.

Putting on fake mystic art Kamar-taj robes and a mask he then used the mystic art Images of Ikonn.

Multiple invisible versions of himself appeared, them in one fluid motion he disabled the invisibility of his fake persons.

""The ancient one sends her regards,"" they all said in unison

"Reveal yourself, coward!" Odin shouted flaring his magical aura and taking out his famous spear

Harry began to sneak away, just as he was about the leave the enclosed space Odin decided to attack in all directions.

*bang!* beams of light shot out of his spear launching themselves in all directions

One beam grazed Harry as he dodged multiple beams, and blood trickled down to the floor.

"Found you," Odin spoke viscously

"Did you?" Harry taunted

Snapping his fingers and then pushing his palms down several bindings flew at Odin, he cut them all easily with his spear, and more Asgardians drew closed to Harry. Seeing no way out but one Harry pumped an impressive amount of magic into a wide-scale illusion that was only going to affect the weaker-willed Asgardians.

Once working the weaker-willed Asgardians saw Odin instead of Harry and Harry instead of Odin.

"Attack that thief!" Harry roared pointing at Odin

They all charged Odin running right past Harry, Turning invisible once more Harry launched off at full speed trying his hardest to find an area the mystic arts could work. He was running through the palace with no exit in sight when Loki appeared and said, "Get in and head straight," he slid a pillar slightly revealing a set of stairs

Harry sent a grateful look toward Loki and ran off down the stairs. Once out of sight Loki sealed the entrance.

Rounding the corner Loki saw a furious Odin, "Where is he!" Odin shouted in anger

"He ran straight," Loki replied with a lazy smirk

"Why didn't you stop him!" Odin said furiously.

"He bound me in these orange ropes I just broke out of them," Loki replied in a sour tone

-Harry pov -

I ran and ran until my legs gave out, eventually, the tunnel ended and I was greeted with a beautiful view the downside was I was on the edge of a cliff.

I tried one more time to make a portal, and finally, the familiar orange circle appeared before me. I practically jumped through the portal. Right as I got through I turned to see an angry Odin coming my way. Hastily I closed the portal.

Phew, yeah fucking hell Asgard was no joke.

Overall 7/10 will go again.


A//N: Haven't slept for over 24 hours... I tried to make this heist realistic as Odin would definitely figure out someone is in the vault. Remember MCS invisibility powers are from death herself.

Honestly all I know is in there is the gauntlet so name some cool items that could have been in there, I might take a couple of ideas.

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