
Chapter  81: His cross to bear 

Chapter 81: His cross to bear 

Owen's POV 

Luna turned and walked towards the exit. I knew what she was thinking.

She must be thinking that If getting wet was the only way to drag my father away from the raging rain then she was prepared to do that. 

I wondered whether she should be playing with fire like she was about to. Confronting my father was a bad idea and even Luna should know that.

She was near the exit when Ari spoke.

"Are you ever going to tell him?" Ari asked in a mild tone of voice.

Luna stopped walking and looked at him "Tell him what?" 

"Are you ever going to tell him that you lied? It had to be a lie right? There is no way you are not in love with Dad after all this years, Mom"

I wanted to tell Ari not to get his hopes up, especially since Luna's face was blank.

 I grabbed the bag I was holding tightly and just like I expected, mom didn't say a word.

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