
Ice Flame

Kartik: "Gentlemen, let's invite the fleet commander to participate as he might have some information about this from Beastilia."

Everyone discusses and agrees to call the fleet commander to sit.

However, the chairperson first decides to ask a question to the fleet commander.

"Do you know any information about this topic?"

He looks up at the fleet commander's face as he says this.

He asked this because he knew that if they asked him to sit alongside them and he was unable to speak anything, it would cause great embarrassment to him.

"If you don't know anything about this, or you have no special information that you acquired from Beastilia, I recommend you do not take part in this discussion."

When the chairperson said this, everyone looked at the fleet commander for a reply.

They all understood the intention of the chairperson behind this question.

No one in this room was an idiot; even the fleet commander was intelligent and could see that the chairperson was giving him a way out.

However, it wasn't necessary.

Fleet commander: "I know, Professor."

"On Beastilia, our team spent a lot of time gathering information."

"Even though we weren't allowed much, we could get some relatively basic information."

"I also know some details about the Ice Flame."

He smiled as he said this.

For people like him, it was an honor to have a seat with people from the Panel.

At this time, the door of the Meeting Hall suddenly opened.

In the outside world, this might not be surprising; however, in Pearl and especially in a meeting of the Panel, this kind of thing is quite rare.

Kartik: [This is a first for me]

[Well, it's not like I've had many meetings as a member of the Panel]

[But why would someone from an unrelated department come here]

[Did this thing attract someone else's attention]

Although he thought a lot of things, Kartik wasn't much bothered.

Anyway, only people of status equal to or higher than the majority of the meeting holders can open the door.

This is the rule of Pearl.

If you want to enter a meeting midway, you need to have a corresponding status.

And in Pearl, status is granted according to ability.

This means that whoever opened the door just now is equal to them in status; they are also on the panel.

The door opens completely, and the person enters inside.

Kartik: "Emperor"

He hurriedly stands up in respect of the emperor.

Everyone is shocked upon hearing the words of Kartik.

Kartik was seated in a position that allowed him to be the first to see the person entering the Meeting Hall; thus, he was the first to stand.

However, his words caused everyone else to stand along with him.

Soon they all salute together and welcome the emperor.

Cosmic: "Resume the meeting."

"I heard from Pearl that interesting things came out in this meeting, so I came to listen firsthand."

This allows everyone to understand why the emperor came to their meeting.

This allowed them to relax.

Kartik: [It's fine]

[As long there isn't any problem, its an honor to have the emperor enter our meeting hall]

The chairperson obeys and allows the fleet commander to speak once again.

Fleet commander: "I will now talk about the information on Ice Flame that I have."

"This piece of information was gathered from a few residents of Beastilia."

He brings out a notebook and turns pages in it.

After finding the correct page, he says, "Mr. Rabbit, I heard that the Ice Flame ability of the flame cockroaches is very strong."

This question was asked by a crew member of mine to a certain rabbit tribe member.

The Rabbit replied, "Yes, it's very strong; however, there are very few people who are able to awaken it."

"The Ice Flame is not directly awakened."

"It awakens after the user awakens the dual ability of Ice and Fire and combines the two."

"There are few who can awaken the two abilities."

"Fewer who have the courage to merge the two abilities."

"And even fewer who survive the merging of both abilities and awaken the Ice Flame."

"You tell me, an ability that is so hard to acquire, wouldn't it be strong."

Crew: "Yes, an ability so hard to awaken will definitely be strong."

"However, if it is so strong, why have they been defeated in the past."

Fleet commander: "Here, my crew member did not know if an Ice Flame ability user was defeated in the past; he just decided to gamble."

Rabbit: "It was because of a weakness of the Ice Flame."

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