
Having to Settle at the School Dorm: Chapter 89

Beyond the Kastelyst Kingdom and beyond the continent that it stood on and even beyond the continent, on the the other side of the world, a land that was bringing in with a cold and icy environment was filled with monsters beyond the capacity that any human could ever handle…

These monsters who were born with the very sense of violence and rampage in their blood were named "Demons" by the population that knew of their existence. Among these demons, a King stood on top of them all and lead them to become what they are by their names as 'Demons.

He was the Demon King, a monster whose rage was beyond anyone and anything in the world, whose thirst for blood was so deep that it could rival a void of darkness, a man whose power alone could possibly conquer a kingdom by his sole body alone. And with his power, many came to admire him to a point that he became a symbol that rivaled a religion, he became a cult following of many who shared his views towards violence. Even to humans and giants and even elves…he formed such a cult that it caught the attention of the Gods themselves.

His very existence was known by all and was common sense to never speak his name with such ease. As it came to be a superstitious curse by simply calling out to him…his existence was the very definition of fear that came forward and rivaled the Dark King and the Dark Elemental King's name…two different rulers that also defined fear by their existence.

"...How goes the operation." said a woman who sat in a dark and gloomy alley.

"...its going rather smoothly, not a single person suspects of anything…not even the head principal of the academy himself knows of this." said a man who stood in front of the woman inconspicuously.

"Idiot…of course the principal shouldn't know of this…you moron! If he or anyone else knows of this, then we don't even have a chance at doing this operation right!" screamed the woman angrily at the man.

"...Ah, sorry. Anyway, most of the preparation is already done…the team is read to move, the items are packed…and all that's left is for the that bastard to get here. It'll take a few days more before we could proceed, but I'm sure that we'll succeed with the plan as it is." explained the man.

"...What about the Hoarded Skinwalkers?" asked the woman.

"...we got enough of them already…the only problem is that the sedative is getting less and less effective each day, but before it becomes a problem, we'll already be done with this operation." said the man.

"hmm, I see." having seen no issues at the moment, the woman looks to her phone and saw through the list of many names of people written on them. These names were recorded and stolen from the academy, with each name showing such promise for talent in both the physical and magic attributed forms.

"Has the Great Father said anything? Any prophecies of wisdom?" asked the man.

"...No." said the woman.

Having confirmed that almost everything was ready, the two started making out of their way into the public streets. Almost immediately, the two were now blending in with the crowd. With their presence almost undetectable by the normal human eye, the two quickly separated from one another almost like strangers going different ways.

No one would have thought of anything between the two of those strangers, not even the police or some high ranked hunter. No one would think of these two to be a part of the cultist of the religious demon cult, but they were. On the outside they were showing a simple facade of a calm face but in the inside, the thought of a gruesome event and violent raging bloodlust was in their minds.

Still, despite their calm facade, in the distance, a boy was looking unto them with the same calm facade. A boy who full knowingly knew of what was about to happen.

'...Hmm, looks like everything is ready.' thought the boy as he too started blending in with the public crowd.

He just had his hair cut and was making his way to the school even though he was already late for class…yet despite his intentions to simply have his hair cut on this day, he came across the two who were very involved with the upcoming attack on the school.

Either way, despite him knowing that those two were part of the cult, he didn't made a move on them. And that was because he wanted to stick to the plot of the story…until the last part where he would intrude by some manner.

"...I should be going back." said the boy as he made his way to the station.

Later as he arrived at the school gate, he was confronted by another student who seemed to carry a student counsel armband on their left arm. This student was none other than Jo, the assistant of the student counsel president.

"Your late." said Jo as he looked at his watch.

"Sorry, I had to go to the barbershop." said Hamil truthfully.

"Hmm, well I've only waited for about an hour and sixteen minutes now…so it really isn't a problem for someone with my line of work…as someone who stands right beside the president, I don't mind at all." said Jo sarcastically.

"...Eh, Sorry."

As they made their way to the school, Jo had to lead Hamil to the school dorm, there he would show Hamil where he would stay from now on.

"...So how's your arm?" asked Hamil as he made small talk on their way there.

"It's getting better, a few more days and my arm will be fully healed." said Jo as he remembered back to when Hamil stabbed him in the shoulder in their duel.

"...I see." looking at how Jo didn't really acted too bothered by the question, it seems like the two of them were not having any tension from the fight yesterday.

And so with that, as they arrived at the school dorm, Hamil was amazed to see a 25 storey-building apartment that had both the design focusing on medieval and modernistic. It really was keeping up with the aesthetic of the academy itself.

"...What floor is my room?" asked Hamil.

"Usually the student counsel members are provided with a single-occupancy room at the fifteenth floor, but since you're a first year, we decided to put you in the lower levels…just around the tenth floor."

"Why did I get lowered?" asked Hamil.

"Well its because you were the first person to get accepted in the counsel in your level this year…and most of the first year students get placed in the lower levels just around the tenth floor. The president decided that placing you in the same floor as most first year students will help with the monitoring in case if a problem occurs in the dorms."

"So its for security reasons?" said Hamil.

"Exactly." said Jo.

"I understand." having understood the reason behind his placement, they made their way to the dorm's elevator. As it could be seen, most of the students have already left the dorm for school…most of the students who are still in the dorm are those that have different schedules from the other students.

"I have to warn you as well, from time to time, some students will skip classes. So we usually have to keep an eye for those students." said Jo.

"I see, and what if they don't comply with our words? Asked Hamil.

"...We beat some sense into them. Having this armband on you isn't just for show, it's the very authority that gives us permission to apply 'just' into the students." said Jo.

"...Oh, I see."

As they finally made it to the tenth floor, Hamil was meet with a luxurious carpeted hallway.

"...whoa, this place really is fancy." said Hamil.

It was like walking into a 5-star resort in a fantasy world.

"If this is enough to surprise you, you will most definitely be amazed by what you'll find in the highest level of this dorm…that's where those Royal Born Students are placed." said Jo.

"...You mean like the prince's room?" asked Hamil.

"exactly." said Jo.

Having seen the greatness of this dorm, they made their way to Hamil's assigned room. It was located at room 1015. In that room, a few things were already installed in preference to what a first year student should have for their day to day lives. From a fully workable kitchen, a bathroom with both a shower and bathtub sequence, and a living room that has a TV installed. This dorm could easily hold a family of four people…yet all of it's accessories remain to be used by a single student despite it having an extra room for any plausible guest to be invited in.

"This place is great." said Hamil as he started looking around the room.

"I'm glad you like it." said Jp as he started pulling out a box from his storage ring and placed it on the kitchen counter.

"What's that?" asked Hamil.

"...these are the equipments you need when you start your role as a student counsel member. From doing the patrol work to going through many meetings, this box has all the things you need for getting the jobs done." said Jo.

"...I see." said Hamil, affirming that he had to take this job seriously.

"Also, with you being a newbie and all that, you will be assigned to a senior who will teach you the work-arounds of being a member."

"Who's going to teach me?" asked Hamil.

"Well, your in luck. The one who actually called you out to be under their wing is pretty known in the group. Although she does have a rowdy-rough personality, she gets the job done everytime." said Jo.

"Who is it?" asked Hamil again.

"...It's the secretary, Sherry Noy Tyden."

"The secretary!?" Hamil was quite surprised by this since his impression of her isn't that great.

"...Don't worry, in a few month's time you'll be getting used to her attitude and beatings by the time you make it to the second year." said Jo nonchalantly.


"yeah…you'll get hit a lot…anyway, just be sure not to make light of this work, if you do, the beatings will only get worse" said Jo as if he spoke from experience.

"...O-okay." replied Hamil.

"I'll be going back now, so make sure you have everything settled by today and make sure you get to school by the time lunch time is over. Also, tonight we'll have a meeting discussing about your admittance to the counsel, so you better not be late…there you'll meet Sherry and she'll lead you around school for the process of getting the patrol done during the night." said Jo as he started making his way out of the room.

Having left Hamil all to his own, he started unpacking his things and placing them in his room and the kitchen. After an hour of simply organizing his things, he was finally settled in.

After that, he wore his uniform and started making his way out of the dorm.

By this time, lunch time was already happening and Hamil planned to get lunch in the school cafeteria.

During his walk there, he could see most of the students who had different schedules also making their way to the cafeteria. By the time he arrived at the cafeteria, he could see his classmates from afar also getting their lunch.

"Hey." said Hamil as he called out to Remmy.

"Oh, hey. You weren't in class today, what happened?" asked Remmy In a curious manner.

"...I just finished unpacking my stuff in the school dorm."

"Really!? So were the rumors true about you joining the student counsel?"

"Rumors?" asked hamil as this was his first time hearing this.

"I mean, how else could you even afford a student dorm if it wasn't for the fact that you get admitted to be part of the student counsel." said Remmy.

"Where did you hear those rumors from?" asked Hamil.

"Oh, I heard it from Sofia. Apparently, she overheard you talk about joining the counsel when Ms. Eva called you out two days ago." said Remmy.

"I see." Having picked out his lunch, he started making his way to an open table along with Remmy.

"So is it true?" asked Remmy.

"...y-yeah, it's true." answered Hamil rather hesitantly, as if he was shy for telling this to him.

"Whoa…that's crazy." said Remmy as he was amazed to hear about Hamil's achievement.

"...It's not as great as it sounds, I nearly died yesterday from undergoing their test." said Hamil.

"What did you do?" asked Remmy.

"I had to fight the assistant of the student counsel president…"

"The assistant? Who dat?"

"...Eh, you know…the person who's always by the president's side." said Hamil.

"Hmm…I don't think I remember the president even having an assistant." said Remmy.


"Hmm, if it's like that. Maybe the assistant is the kind of guy who rarely has a sense of presence." said Remmy.

"He's not a ghost you know."

"Maybe, or maybe the person who you thought you fought yesterday was but a ghost all along." said Remmy jokingly.

"...don't make it sound like I was hallucinating. I wasn't." said Hamil defendingly.

"Sure sure."

Soon as they continued on to talk while eating, his other classmates, Sofia, Sarah and Rebertha made it to the table and they all started talking about Hamil's admission to the student counsel group.

A lot of them were very surprised by this, especially Rebertha who also planned to be part of the student counsel. She wanted to make a record of being the first student to join to the student counsel in her year… But she was beat by Hamil first.

"How did you even know that the student counsel was recruiting?" asked Rebertha in a rather pouty way.

"I didn't, Mr. Hoffman recommended it to me." said Hamil.

"So you got recommended by the teacher, that sounds like bias to me." said Rebertha.

"Either that or they actually saw potential in him…" said Sarah.

"How did you get into the counsel?" asked Sofia.

"...they tested me by letting me fight one of the members of the counsel." said Hamil.

"And you won!?" asked Rebertha in a rather showcking way.

"...Y-yeah." Hamil was a bit taken aback by Rebertha's reaction, but granted it seemed like a miracle to her for a first year to even beat a member of the student counsel that easily.

"It wasn't easy though…I had to fight with my life on the line." said Hamil.

"...So it's that hard huh." said Sarah.

During this day, Hamil continued on to talk with his classmates on his time during the test with the student counsel. And as he spoke, Rebertha became more and more intrigued by this. She wanted to get as much material from him as possible. The more the information, the successful she was in getting in the counsel.

Chapter out bit**!

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