
Chapter 50: Meow?

Two figures walked side by side down the deserted street. Their hands were clasped as a comfortable silence surrounded them. Suddenly, a drop fell, followed by heavy rainfall. Zhou Jian muttered a command and an umbrella immediately appeared above them.

Wang Tao looked out at the rain and slowly reached his hand out. His palm collected some water, gauging the pressure of the downpour. Letting the water run off his hand, he retracted it under the umbrella. Turning towards the older male, he smiled lightly and a tinge of amusement entered the purple eyes watching the Celestial's next movement.

A moment ago, Wang Tao had raised his hand, poking the aquiline nose of the Zion, transferring a few droplets of water. Next he leaned forward and pecked the nose lightly before pulling back, the tips of his ears a light pink.

Zhou Jian's face softened as he returned the gesture, planting a kiss one time more. His finger pinched the red ear gently once he straightened up as the rain came to a stop. Just as Wang Tao opened his mouth, he froze slightly and his ears pricked up.

"Did you hear that?"

"Mm, sounded like a kitten."

[ A kitten? ]

Turning his head, the silver eyes looked in a certain direction as softs meows sounded. His vision took in the view of a small kitten, hiding behind a trash can in the alleyway beside them.

"It's injured."

The younger boy quickly led the other over. As he neared, the Celestial looked closely at the creature. Its fur was dirty and tangled, obviously not groomed for a long time. Dry blood covered the scars and the small creature shook violently, cold and soaked.

A frown fleeted across his face as Wang Tao stopped a few feet away from the animal. The kitten struggled as it tried to move away, frightened by the strangers. However, it stumbled as the leg was injured before compromising and staying there.

Seeing this, the two approached slowly and once closer, the Celestial crouched beside the kitten. Wang Tao's heart pricked seeing the animals' condition. Slowly, he reached out to touch it but quickly pulled back sensing its fear. Looking at the Zion, he silently questioned him on what to do.

Thinking a bit, Zhou Jian crouched down and placed a small container beside the kitten. The golden eyes stared at them as the kitten moved over bit by bit. Reaching the can, it sniffed hesitantly before burying its head to nibble the fish.

Now fed, it lowered its guard more, looking closely at the two towering figures. Wang Tao and Zhou Jian didn't make a sound, observing as the kitten inched closer. The kitten was cold and soaked so watching two dry warm humans, it tried to draw near.

After a few minutes, the small creature was right in front of the two and lifted its head to rub against Wang Tao slightly. The frost in the silver eyes melted slightly.

"Rub it's head."

Zhou Jian whispered these words causing the Celestial to look over at him, a bit perplexed.

"Cats like that?"

A smile rose on the older boys face.

"Mm-hmm. Why do you think I call you my little cat?"

Wang Tao blushed a bit. Looking back at the kitten who was waiting for the two's reaction, he tried. The small creature's tense body relaxed as his pale hand gently rubbed the kitten's head.

Zhou Jian also rubbed the small head for a while before standing. Gently picking up the kitten, Wang Tao rose to his feet as his hand continued to stroke it, from the head and down the back.

"Can we take it home?"

Nodding, the Zion started walking, with Wang Tao following suit. A while later, the two arrived back home after meeting the driver at the park.

"Greeting, Young Masters."

Butler Lan greeted the two as they took off their shoes. The butler was a middle aged man with a few grey streaks in his black hair. His posture was straight and his figure sturdy. He had been serving the Zhou Family for a few decades.

They nodded at him to return the words before quickly slipping their feet into slippers.

"Is that a kitten?"

Butler Lan noticed the creature asleep in Wang Tao's arms. It was mostly bundled up in a blanket, with only the small head peeking out. Glancing at him, Zhou Jian answered,

"Mm, we found it in an alleyway. We'll tell our parents later."

Showing a look of understanding, the middle aged man watched as the two hurried up to their bedroom.

A minute later, Wang Tao kneeled beside the tub and lowered the kitten into the water. His hand soothed it as the animal thrashed a bit. Eventually the kitten calmed down as the Celestial rinsed it in the warm water.

"Is it a boy or girl?"

Wang Tao glanced at the Zion who had just entered. Kneeling down, Zhou Jian lifted the kitten and checked.

"It's a girl."

After knowing this, the two scrubbed down the kitten and rinsed her. The blood and dirt flowed off revealing her white coat and a few wounds. Carefully holding her, Zhou Jian lightly touched the wound and it healed soon after a golden glow appeared. He then dried her using a towel as Wang Tao drained the water. Now done, they sat on the bed while their new kitten slept peacefully.

"What should we call her?"

The phoenix silver eyes warmed as Wang Tao rubbed the soft fur. Zhou Jian looked at the kitten and then the Celestial and mumbled,



"Nothing, it's just that the fur is white and thick like cream…Or ice cream."

"Vanilla ice cream?"

Nodding, the purple eyes met silver as they lit up. With a small smile, they said in unison,


Satisfied, the two looked at their new kitten Vanilla. Just then, the Zion spoke again,

"A Tao."


"I…Will you go somewhere with me tomorrow?"

The phoenix eyes blinked and his brows furrowed slightly.

"Of course, why did you ask?"

"No reason."

Tilting his head, Wang Tao looked at the boy who was suddenly all mysterious, confused. However, he didn't bother with it, directing his attention back to Vanilla who was on Zhou Jian's lap.

A few moments of silence passed before the Celestial rested his head on the other's shoulder. Thinking for a bit, he slowly raised his head to kiss Zhou Jian's cheek. The purple eyes wavered slightly as he looked down at Wang Tao. A small sigh escaped his lips as Zhou Jian gently placed Vanilla on the pillow before pulling Wang Tao onto his lap.

The Celestial froze before relaxing soon after. Snuggling closer, he shut his eyes. However, he opened them a moment later and looked into the purple eyes.

Zhou Jian watched the gaze with a bit of amusement. Leaning down, he gave Wang Tao a kiss on the cheek, earning a smile.

Happy and content, the Celestial buried his head into the broad chest once more and also drifted off to sleep.

Hi guys, I'm so so so so sorry for my sudden disappearance. Pls forgive me. I've finally got over the writer's block and so I have a new chapter for you guys. hope you like it and that it doesn't seem to short or rushed.

Please tell if it was good in the comments. Anyways, the kiss is coming soon I promise so just hold on. Also, I hope you like Vanilla. I'll get more on her in the future.

Thank you readers who are still here and have still been voting despite my absence. I'm forever grateful.

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