
Ninety Three

 Before James 's car had fully come to a stop, Sansa was attempting to jump out of the passenger seat. She might have been successful if James 's arm hadn't clamped around her waist.

 "Wait." He didn't release her until she nodded.

 Sansa thought it was strange how he could sound so unyielding yet so gentle at the same time. Taking a proper look outside, her mouth fell open in horror as she saw the front windows of the salon almost completely shattered and the door hanging from its hinge. Pieces of broken glass littered the sidewalk like glistening diamonds, and the salon's sign had been splashed with black paint.

 "Oh my God." Her wolf whined, anxious and angry.

 Once James had opened the passenger door, Sansa was out of the vehicle and dashing toward the salon only to, once again, be hampered by an arm around her.

 "It's okay, baby, Jean's not inside. She's over there."

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