
166)Philosopher's Stone (Part 1)

Things happened here and there, but the most notable was when Hermione came looking for me along with Harry and Ron, with a notable concern on her face.

I had clones scattered throughout the castle, not to mention the others, mainly accompanying my friends in their different tasks. One was with Cho flying, another with Hannah and Susan in the Lair's garden, another with Lavender, helping her with her own stories, and so on...

It seemed like Hermione was desperate to find me, and that's why it didn't take her much to locate one of my clones to communicate with me. Now we were in a secluded corridor of the castle while the group of three narrated their story to me, about how Harry noticed something, and with Ron, they discovered something shocking, about how they went to McGonagall, who was talking with Hermione, and how things didn't go well.

"So... someone is going to steal the Philosopher's Stone?" (Red)

"Yes, Snape figured out how to get past Fluffy..." (Harry)

"It's not Snape..." (Red)

"Yes, he is." (Ron)

"Let's put that aside." (Red)

"Yeah, that doesn't matter. We went to McGonagall, and she told us Dumbledore is no longer at Hogwarts." (Hermione)

"Uh-huh..." (Red)

"Without him here, the stone is unprotected, and Snape will be able to steal it. The professors don't believe it's him." (Harry)

"It's not Snape." (Red)

"Can you focus?!" (Hermione)

"Snape wants to steal it for you-know-who." (Harry)

"Yes, no one stops him; he'll come back to life, and..." (Ron)

"And do you three want to stop him?" (Red)

"No, but if we take the stone before him, we can buy time until Dumbledore returns," explained Harry.

"Well... you're idiots..." (Red)

"For trying to save the world?!" Ron complained upon hearing me.

"Well, maybe I went too far; you're just ignorant."

"I knew we shouldn't have told you anything," Ron grumbled, partly trying to hide that he was also terrified of the 'adventure' they had planned.

"That too... Why did you come to me?" I asked curiously.

"It was Hermione who said we needed you, but I knew it was a bad idea," Ron continued complaining, but he clearly seemed both upset and nervous.

"Why?" (Red)

"Why?! Are you kidding?! They're going to resurrect Voldemort!" (Hermione)

"Yes, yes, I know, he's the magical Hitler and all that, but I ask why me," I inquired. I wanted to see what their response was to set my next plans in motion. I would have liked more time, but everything happens very quickly.

"Because you're the strongest among us," she replied, and neither Harry nor Ron said anything, although Ron seemed like he wanted to.

Actually, I couldn't deny it either; even if they don't know everything, they know well that I surpass the first-year students by far. Creator of the Lair and the Nest, the one who repaired the Quidditch field alone, who defeated a troll, excellent in almost all subjects, and a few other things. That's nothing compared to what I really did, but for them, it was enough.

"You said you fought against dark wizards; you'll know what to do," Hermione continued.

"Fighting against dark wizards?!" Harry and Ron asked in surprise; that was something Hermione hadn't told them.

"Hermione, that was our secret," I acted childishly before becoming serious and looking her in the eyes, which scared her a little. "And it was taken by surprise; fighting against a dark wizard face to face is another thing." Yes, they had no idea. With the clone sacrifice method, it was easy for me to deal with criminals, even if they were dangerous, but it's not something anyone could do. And my time in the Marauders' campaign showed me that it wasn't a foolproof method. Damn Snape and his magical talent, I'm glad I fuck his mother.

"B-but... we're not going to confront him... we're just going to take the stone before he does..." Hermione said, becoming increasingly unsure as she saw my penetrating gaze.

"Yeah, well, that's not going to happen." (Red)

"You're not going to help us?!" Hermione asked with some surprise and anger.

"I'm not even going to let you go." (Red)

"What?!" (Hermione)

"What did you expect? It's suicide, as if I would let you stupidly kill yourself. Don't even think about getting close; I won't let you." (Red)

"You can't stop me; we have to do it," she replied in a rebellious tone. Although frightened, she believed she had to do something about it.

"Yes, I can." (Red)

"How?" (Hermione)

Well, by the way you're acting, I think I'll have to restrain you by force, drug you, charm you, blackmail you, threaten you, break your legs, or any of those methods to keep you safe." With my words said so naturally, the expressions of the three kids changed to a more fearful one. I usually joked, but for some reason, they thought I was serious this time, possibly due to the aura I emitted.

"Y-You can't do that... it's kidnapping... and it's illegal," she defended in a very Muggle way, stuttering a bit and trembling as she responded to me. Although she doubted what she was saying, she felt a chill.

"Yeah, well, I guess I'll go to Azkaban, but it's a price I'm willing to pay to keep you safe," I sighed, falsely.

"Great, we shouldn't have come here," Ron grumbled, grabbing Harry to leave.

"Wait," Hermione stopped them. "Red, this didn't have to be like this. You have to help us... you're the only one who can, I'm your friend," she pleaded, intentionally or unintentionally making a pitiful look, almost like a professional actress.

"You came to me for help... only me?" I asked before proceeding with the rest of my plan.

"I... thought of asking the girls for help later," she responded quietly.

"... Ahhgg... I'm so happy and angry with you right now," I shook my head. "I'm happy that you trust them, but angry that you'd want to involve them in this when you're not even aware of the consequences." I acted as I smiled inside, knowing how to continue.

"..." Hermione was about to say something, but I stopped her.

"I don't want you to do this... but I can't be sure you won't make it worse by inviting the others... so I'll do it." I pretended to resist the idea.

"Really?!" Hermione asked with a hint of excitement; truthfully, she was also scared, especially after repeatedly telling her it was suicide.

She would also like the professors to take care of it, but McGonagall no longer believed in them. She wanted me to go because she would feel much safer and more confident; she acknowledged my abilities and believed that with me, she could get the stone before Snape and escape. In fact, Harry and Ron also felt a certain relief upon hearing me; both recognized my ability through Hermione's stories and those of other classmates, so despite not being part of their close group of friends, having me around would be much safer, and I was already Ron's brother, so I wasn't exactly a stranger.

"Hold on there," I stopped her excitement, as well as the excitement of the other two lions. "I'm not going to do this just because; everything has a price."

"Are you going to charge me?" the girl asked with doubts.

"For saving the magical world?" (Ron)

"Not you, just her." (Red)

"Are you really going to charge me?!" she asked again, not fully believing it; she almost wanted to yell at me that if I didn't help them, it would also go badly for me.

"Hermione..." I took her hands, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, as if preparing to say or do something very important, which made everyone very nervous. "... be my girlfriend." I said firmly, looking her in the eyes.

"WHAT?!" Hermione almost jumped from surprise; actually, she expected something of 'my style,' because she knew I wouldn't ask for money, and if I did, it wouldn't be in a normal way, but still, she didn't expect this.

"What?" (x2) Harry and Ron were also surprised, though not as much; it was more confusion than anything else.

"Be my girlfriend!" I repeated louder.

"What...? B-but... wh-why?" she asked completely flushed, releasing her hands from mine and holding her clothes tightly with them.

"If you want the reason why I want it, I think you know; I like you, Hermione Jean Granger. From the moment I met you, you're beautiful, smart, and adorable, among other characteristics..." I confessed, although I disliked having the pair of idiots present here, at least I was grateful that they were so surprised that they didn't make any sounds.

"I-i... I..." Hermione had gone into a short circuit; she was so embarrassed that all she wanted was to escape from here.

"Hermione, I like you, and I've never hidden it; you can calm down, this is normal," I said, putting my hands on her shoulders and speaking to her calmly to relax her. "Breathe..."

"B-but... we're too young f-for..." Hermione looked away to avoid meeting my eyes and made up an excuse to try to get out of the situation; she felt like her heart would burst out, and she wasn't ready for this.

"I don't care, Hermione. I'll make it clear; I don't want to let you go, but I know you will anyway, and I'll help you because I love you." My words seemed like another shock for her, one she wasn't prepared for. "But if I'm going to risk my life, I want it to be worth it. I want, if we survive, to spend the rest of my days with the person I love," I said, taking her hand and making her look me in the eyes. "But if you tell me no, I'm telling you right now that I'll do everything in my power to prevent you from going. I don't care if I end up in jail for that. I'll make sure you stay alive. It doesn't matter if you don't want to accept, or if you really don't like me, this is how it is. Either we live separately or die together."

"..." There was silence, although I was almost sure I could hear Hermione's heart and her heavy breathing.

"Well, anyway... if the dark lord comes back, it's not safe for you. You're a Muggle-born... I guess I'll kidnap you, and we'll leave the country, to a place we'll never go. Maybe Africa or Asia, Australia wouldn't be bad.We'd live secluded there, just the two of us; you'll probably hate me for holding you back, but time will pass, and being alone with just the two of us, you won't stand the loneliness and the hormones... we'll end up developing feelings and falling in love... we'll end up with many children, yes, because being a couple of wild lovers in the middle of nowhere, the only thing we could do for..." I continued until Hermione rushed to cover my mouth with her hands.

In reality, I didn't consider this possible, but still, I thought it out loud, picking up an old habit I had forgotten and breaking the awkward situation with another to try to calm down the flustered girl.

"Shut up," she ordered in involuntary whispers, as if nothing louder could come out of her mouth.

"Well, it's just a possibility; I told you I would protect you. Now decide, Hermione. We're more than friends, and we face death together, or I start packing our bags," I looked into her eyes again, while also making it clear to the two kids behind her, who were about to say something, to stay out of it, creating two pools of blood on them.

"I..." It sounded at the volume of a mosquito.

"Hermione, we won't leave here until you answer; I need to know. And don't worry, nothing will change between us if you say no," I tried to reassure her, despite being the one who put her under so much pressure.

"I..." she said even lower, it seemed like she was having an apocalyptic battle in her mind, not knowing what to say or do. In fact, she was taking a long time just to say one word, but I waited patiently for her to compose herself. It seemed like I hit her hard with this, but it was necessary.

"Uh-huh..." (Red)

"Okay..." she said almost imperceptibly, but it was enough for me, so I approached and held her in my arms, ignoring her startle.

"Thank you," I whispered in her ear as I hugged her. "I love you."

"Mhhh..." an unintelligible sound came out, and then she pushed me away, with fear and adrenaline generated by the situation.

"Hey, be less harsh with your boyfriend," I pretended annoyance and pain where she pushed me, watching how part of her embarrassment was now covered by a sudden false bravado.

"We're not... dating yet." she said the last words lower than the others. "You have to help us first," she demanded with that false courage, but in reality, her legs were shaking, and she just wanted to run to her room.

"Well, I accept that," I decided not to press her further. She was possibly about to cry if I did. I became serious once again and, looking at the three of them, I said, "We can't go now; we'll go at night. I have things to prepare so we don't die. Goodbye, boys, Hermi..." I sang that last part louder as my clone dissipated, leaving the three kids standing there with a mix of emotions.

Harry and Ron were somewhat dizzy with the direction things took, from the self-imposed journey to my death warning to the next romantic movie. They didn't know how to respond to this, so they looked at their friend, who in part made this possible and uncomfortable at the same time.

Hermione didn't even look at them. In fact, they couldn't see her much longer, as she started running to her room to drown her emotions in the pillow. Hermione didn't even pay attention to who was in front of her; she just charged through everything until she reached her room where she could be alone and scream about what happened, almost in disbelief that she was no longer 'a single girl' and how quickly everything happened.

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