
Chapter 138: The next morning

Not long before dawn began, the little girl who had become a woman was getting up after living the wildest night of her young life.

Her nightly exercise had exhausted her enough to sleep until noon, but she had been treated with my recovery magic and, for that reason, she managed to wake up.

Petunia, with heavy eyes, tried to orient herself in her bed, she was a little dizzy and felt that it was not how she normally woke up. It was the strange feeling she had in her body that she suddenly remembered everything that had happened… what we had done.

Waking up suddenly from the arrival of those memories, she sat in bed quickly. Being aware of everything, she wanted to find the one who made her feel all those strange, but incredible sensations to prove that it wasn't a dream. It wasn't difficult for her to find what she was looking for, next to her, almost embracing her, there was the boy with red hair.

When she saw me, her color was turning more and more reddish and she was showing the clear beginnings of some kind of panic attack. Now she was calmer, awake, and aware of what we had done, her childish mind couldn't process all that and she was getting too upset.

Seeing her like this, I reached out my arms to hug her and pull her onto the bed once more to support her on my chest as I let my powers on low power do their job of slowly calming her down.

"Calm down, everything is fine" Try to sound as reassuring as possible.

"But…*gasp* we did… *gasp*" She was hyperventilating.

I didn't let her continue thinking about the implications or consequences of our actions, I held her head and brought her closer to mine to kiss her and let her forget about everything while my powers did the job. It worked, although she resisted strongly for the first few seconds, going from 100 to 0 in an instant and completely melting into our kiss, being much more active in it than during the night.

After she relaxed with the kiss, I stopped putting in so much effort, but she seemed to have gotten too motivated. Petunia had positioned herself in such a way that she had my thigh between her legs and was using it to rub her pussy. I don't know if she was doing it consciously or unconsciously, and although it was something very hot, it was not the right time to enjoy this.

"Calm down bunny, well, maybe doggy, considering you keep riding my leg" I teased affectionately as patted her head.

"S-Sorry..." She apologized, very embarrassed after realizing what she was doing.

"I'm playing with you, you can call it a lovers' talk" I smiled at her "Don't get upset, I know what we did was…"

"We had…!" She almost screamed, remembering the main point, but I avoided it.

"Yes, we did and that was what we wanted, right?" I tried to make her reason this more calmly "Do you like me?"

"..." she hesitated to answer.

"If you didn't have to think or worry about anything beyond what we did yesterday... Do you like me?"

"...yes" she affirmed with a low voice, but with some hidden determination.

"I love you, Petunia Evans, do you love me?" I asked again.

She didn't respond with words this time, instead, she hid her face in my chest and nodded, letting out a small sound of confirmation.

"Then there is no real problem" Understanding her, I hugged her while whispering my words.

"But... are we... going to have a baby?" She affirmed and asked at the same time with concern, especially thinking about what her parents would do when they found out about it.

"Hahaha... silly girl, don't worry about it, I've already taken care of everything" I laughed sincerely at her innocent, but mature concern, maybe I should have warned her about this before, but I would have missed that adorable expression she has now.

"Aren't we going to have a baby?" She asked.

"Not now, but in the future... if you want" I reassured her with the matter of now, but I didn't reject the idea of a future, I wouldn't want to deprive her of her dreams of being a mother if she has them.

"And... are we getting married?" She had been relieved about the babies, but now she was asking excitedly about the marriage.

"Hmmm... if you want. Honestly, I don't consider marriage necessary, not the one that is imposed by the law of men, at least... it must be due to the time I lived in the wild that my values are somewhat 'distinct'"(Red)

"But if we don't get married, we don't..." She questioned, believing that marriage was essential for us to be together.

"Stop it" I stopped her from continuing to speak "I think you have some somewhat wrong ideas about certain things, but don't worry about that, I'll take care of explaining to you some truths of the world" I said thinking of many ideas that I would have to correct from her mentality Although I didn't like the idea, she needed to know some truths of the world to avoid future conflicts.

"I..." she doubted my words, wanting to continue questioning me, in her opinion, she wasn't wrong.

"Shhh..." I silenced her putting my finger between her lips, "We have time to talk about it later, now we can focus on more important things. We had sex, we made love or whatever you want to call it, and with that, you sealed your destiny with mine. I told you before, but I repeat it to you now that you have a colder mind... Now you are my woman and you cannot escape, it does not matter if you stop loving me or for any other reason, you are mine now and forever"

"I won't stop loving you!" She affirmed with certainty and some annoyance at feeling that I did not trust her or something similar.

"I know, but I still have to tell you. I guess I'll also explain things about love and its durability, which isn't like in fairy tales... although I think that it can be like that with me, even if you don't want to" I added another thing to the ready while we took some quiet time.

"Now, can I go with you?" She asked after staying quiet for a while digesting my words.

"Yes, when the time comes, you will accompany me"(Red)

"But you said there were two conditions... we already did... so… What about the other requirement?" (Petunia)

"The second requirement has already been satisfied. We had almost made it a time ago and last night, while 'enjoying each other', we made it, you don't need to think about it right now." I answered while thinking of something else when I saw how the light came in through the window, "What we have to keep in mind now is that your parents are going to wake up..."

"MY PARENTS!" She yelled, getting up again, "How are we going to explain what we did?!"

"First of all, we're not going to tell them what we did, unless you want them to try as hard as we can to prevent us from seeing each other again and possibly your father from trying to beat me to death" I made a joke that she didn't like very much, more considering that it could be possible.

"But... I don't know if I'll be able to lie to them, they'll find out and when they ask me..." she continued to doubt herself and if things would end well.

"It won't be lying to them, we'll just hide it from them, for a few years at least. You just have to act calm and pretend it never happened" I tried to give her some confidence, but the last thing I said didn't calm her down.

"But it did happen" she affirmed with some fear. She couldn't be happier to be with the one she loves, but she wasn't ignorant and knew that what we did was troublesome, even without thinking about the babies.

"Yes, but only we will know. Don't worry, I won't leave you alone, every time you think you need help you can contact me" I said taking her arm and pointing to her tattoo "But let's go back to the subject of your parents today"

"Yes! I have to go to school..." she realized that her mother would come to wake her up if she didn't show up in a while.

"As for your body after last night, you shouldn't worry, I healed you while you were sleeping, but if you want, I can make you look sick so you can stay in bed and we can talk for the rest of the morning, Do you want?" (Red)

"You can?! Yes, me, I want to stay with you longer" she replied as she got very clingy.

"Okay, leave it to me"(Red)

We continued talking like this until the sunlight shined brightly through the window. Petunia's parents woke up surprised from their heavy sleep, and her mother came to see her to notice that she had not left her room.

It took only a few simple tricks and spells to make Mrs. Evans believe that her daughter was ill. Petunia had many flaws in her lie, she was nervous about lying, but justified by the very realistic fake fever that I caused her, it was able to go half unnoticed.

With that, I had enough time to explain things to my clingy new girlfriend. I talked to her about love and relationships. Maybe I broke her fantasies and stole more of her innocence, but I specified that that would be the case if she wasn't my girl. With me, love was eternal, but I also made it clear to her that this was because I would force her to love me if necessary.

I tried to be loving, but also realistic. We decided that we wouldn't have sex again until she got a little older, the above was necessary, but from now on we would be a little more reserved... and without cheating using my powers to turn her on.

During the morning, Petunia's mother came to see her several times, but just like before, I made it look like Petunia was sick while I was hidden with my invisibility.

Midday passed and then the afternoon came when we played some more serious stuff.

"I don't have to be in such a hurry anymore, thanks to you, I can come back after leaving, so I can wait a while before telling Lily."(Red)

"Do you have to do it with her too?" She asked sheepishly, hiding some other emotions poorly.

"Jealous? Or angry? I thought I made it clear to you that I would do it and why I would do it. You know very well that you can't be angry or disagree, huh? Wife" I teased while poking her side with my finger.

Petunia couldn't hide or suppress those feelings, even with all my talk, she believed that what we did was something unique and special, that she shouldn't or wanted to share with her sister. My words couldn't help but upset her, but being called her 'wife' embarrassed and strangely excited her, making those negative emotions lessen a lot.

I kept insisting and instilling in her that this would happen, that she had to accept it and enjoy it. I had to take advantage of this moment before it was too late and have to repeat it... which I didn't hide from her, either.

"We can live however we want from now on, well, after I do it with Lily to be safe. If you want we can have a big wedding or even live as fugitives, but we won't have children" I explained a few points about our future.

"W-why?" She asked something afraid of my seriousness, she didn't want to contradict me, even though she didn't understand why I said we could have a child, but now I denied it.

"Because it may be years before I leave... but when I do and you come with me, the one who will come will be the 'you' of these moments. We can live a full life together, but you will return to this age and having the memories until a while after we did it..." In fact, I thought the perfect time to set it up would be right before we had this conversation so she couldn't think about how much she's forgotten about her life, well, a life she wouldn't live "Well, the timing may vary under the second condition, but I think this moment is the most indicated"

"What?! But I don't want to..." Tears began to run through her eyes, full of fear at the thought that she would forget things after today.

"Shh... calm down, you don't have anything to worry about" I tried to calm her down, but it was difficult considering the facts.

I tried to explain to her that she doesn't have anything to worry or feel bad about, to be honest, she would forget it or rather, she would never know when it happened. I consoled her by telling her that even if she forgets everything we live together after today, I will love her once more and we will live all that again, but better.

It was very painful for her, but with love and sweet words, I was able to make her smile a little and get through it. I know it won't be the last time you get depressed on this subject, but it can't be helped.

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