
Chapter 28: Troll! Troll! Troll!

Hermione was eating the sandwich I made, it had the stamina recovery effect +%1.5 and from the sounds she made while eating you could see that she was hungry. She was glad to know that we were better.

"Have you put magic in the food?" I wonder after eating for a while.

"Something similar, if I get it right they can have some special effects, you haven't noticed them with the breakfast I prepared for you"

"Yes, I did…thanks for continuing to make them for me after all that" She paused for a moment "At first I wanted to throw them away, I was even a little scared of them, but I didn't want to leave them…it gave me a feeling of comfort so nice at first that I couldn't just get rid of them like that. If I left them I felt like it meant we couldn't go back to the way we were before" she said, feeling several different emotions.

"Did you also want us to go back to before?" I asked intrigued by her opinion.

"I just didn't want to lose my first friend, not the one I remembered" she said to take another bite of the Sandwich.

"Do you want to know something interesting?" I asked trying to change the environment


"Well, you know what the rumors had to say about me…" I began.

"Yes, I can't believe all that happened, I didn't find out until Headmaster Dumbledore disproved them in the great hall" she said embarrassed "I also can't understand why they did what you and the other girl did"

"You don't need to understand, everything went well, that's what matters"

"I don't think it was good, you could have hurt a lot of people" she said disapprovingly, leaving a short silence before continuing "Are you sure it won't bring you problems in the future?" I ask somewhat concerned, she had never been in the presence of conspiracies like the one I did so she was somewhat insecure and terrified that I did something 'Bad'.

"It won't unless you tell someone and they all find out the truth"

"Um, I will if you ever do anything mean to me again." He snorted commandingly.

"Okay, calm down" I laughed as if trying to act authoritative "But if you do, do it in a few years, in the future I don't think that can stop me. Well, going back to what I wanted to say, do you remember that, after what I did to you, were you very emaciated for a while?"

"Don't remind me of that, I just want to forget it" I shut up quickly.

"Well, what I wanted to tell you was that... as we always spend time together and considering the rumors... everyone thought you looked so bad because we were, how to say, copulating like rabbits without stopping" I said putting a very big smile on my face.

"Than?!" exalted scream.


"Do not..!"

"Oh yeah..."

"No no no no!" I repeat screaming as I buried her head in her arms "This is all your fault Red" she yelled at me before repeatedly hitting the wall of my cubicle.

"Don't worry, you know it wasn't true"

"That doesn't matter. How am I going to live knowing something so shameful? How am I going to look others in the face?" She groaned completely red and desperate, though she couldn't see it.

"You were already looking them in the face all this time, besides everything was already clarified so nobody can tell you anything"

"But...but...I'm not going to be able to live with this" she said with a voice so high-pitched it was barely audible.

"You should be more worried about the fact that the director sent a letter to your parents to tell them what we were supposed to do when those rumors were still not cleared up"

"THAN?!!!" I scream almost deafening myself so that later there is a silence.

"I'm kidding, I don't know how you believe it, you would have already received a letter from your parents if that was the case"

"RED! You're the worst" she said as she hit the wall again, but this time I almost thought it would knock her over.

After a while, she got tired and stopped hammering at the poor wall. It's weird that we haven't come out of the bathroom to talk face to face, but I think it's because we both have a kind of unconscious fear of seeing each other and things getting ugly.



"Did the principal know what you did to me?" I ask, but I couldn't quite discern what her emotions were.

"Yes, he knew it, while he was actually making them"

"And he didn't stop you?" I ask confused.

"He said he was about to stop me if he went on, but get it over with before he does."

"Oh" she said somewhat disappointed.

"I know, you're disappointed that they didn't stop me..."

"No...well it's just that..." She didn't know as an answerer, she didn't want to disagree with the headmaster being recognized as the greatest white magician, she thinks she should have her reasons, but she's still annoyed that he didn't They have protected her.

While we were talking, something stopped us, it was a nauseating smell that entered our nostrils that made me look at my watch and say to myself "Shit" after remembering an important matter that seemed to have been forgotten. Time flew by, and while it's still a bit off according to my estimates, it seems I didn't take into account that the troll might come to the bathroom sooner than planned. The talk with Hermione made me forget about it completely.

"Hermione, please tell me it's you" I asked with the slightest bit of false hope.

"HOW AM I GOING TO BE ME? That you can't have the slightest consideration for a girl!" She yelled at me angrily as she said that, ignoring the situation we were in.

"Okay, then listen to me, right now you're going to curl up in the most hidden corner of the bathroom and you're not going to come out, no matter what you hear, until I call you, understood?"

"But why...? What's going on...?"


"Y-yes…" she replied she was insecure and very worried about my performance.

"Okay, remember, roll up into a ball," I said before starting to walk out of my cubicle.

When I opened the door I could see it, it was walking through the front door, it wasn't as big as I imagined, but I knew I shouldn't judge her strength based on her appearance. He was tall, ugly, bald, gray and elephant-skinned, short-legged and carrying a huge club that seemed to be a tree trunk uprooted from the ground.

If everything went the way I wanted, then I would have tried to beat him by ambushing or being able to fight in an open area where I'm able to move around freely, not stuck in a bathroom where I can't do everything I want and have to make sure that he can't get close to Hermione. Really this day is being shit, except that mine with Hermione is being fixed.

I don't have anything useful to defend myself with and I don't think I'm as lucky as my brother in the original story, that was pretty much fate on his side. If I was with someone to distract him like Harry and Ron I might be able to kill him, but being alone is very difficult if I want to keep myself safe and right now I can't use the clone to help me. I don't plan on risking Hermione to this, if everything was canon then she would be paralyzed and that's a clear death sentence.

I move to the opposite side of the cubicles where we were, I could see that the troll had already noticed me so the only thing he could do was get away from there and wait for Hermione to follow my advice. What I can do is wait for help to arrive or improvise. I'll try to use my predation aura to see if I can intimidate him a bit and get him out of here.

When I released my auras I could see how the monster stopped for a moment, but it was not in my expectations that it would then run to crush me with its club. I could feel the large mass of wood falling towards me rapidly and if it wasn't for my training and my improved body here I would say goodbye.

Dodge the crushing blow by rolling to the side, back towards the cubicles. That was close, who would say that my aura is not strong enough to intimidate him away from me, but enough to make him feel threatened and want to kill me faster.

His blow broke part of the sinks that were on the wall. I can't say I'm not anxious, I've never been in danger from this close, and I have to say I understand why trolls are told they're brutal after this.

Behind me, the door of the cubicle next to where I was was opened slowly, revealing a Hermione who was startled by the loud noise she had just heard and decided to see what happened despite my warning. When she opened the door and she could see how the troll had destroyed part of the bathroom and how I was half crouched on the floor, she could only freeze from the shock of something she didn't expect to see.

The troll turned its head, seeing me, who had escaped its attack, and the new prey.

"AAAAHHHHhhh" Hermione screamed, terrified by the creature's gaze.

When she rang she yelled at her she knew things were bad because the troll in front of me swung her club in an arc at head height. Hermione was about to go back into her cubicle, but froze when she saw the huge wooden pole move towards her. I was only able to pull her with me to the ground so that the blow passed over us destroying another part of the bathroom causing pieces of wood and metal pipes to fly everywhere.

I tried to pick up Hermione from the ground who was trembling with a horrified face, I grabbed her and ran with her towards the door trying to get her out of here, but the troll's blow reappeared making me have to roll with her once more in the opposite direction to the door. I don't know who's obvious her speed in the books, but you have to be more specific on how fast they can be, dammit. The position the troll is in makes it almost impossible for us to escape.

The idiotic monster in front of us kept swinging his club at us, and the only reason we survived is that I've dragged Hermione to dodge every blow, and it was only possible because of my fitness, perception, and previous training. In addition to the fact that I was swallowing all the food that I had in the inventory to have some good buffs, now I can say that they are the protagonist of some video game that ends up eating a whole cake in the middle of a battle.

Hermione was still terrified, but now she started to cooperate and didn't put up any resistance to being pulled hard to one side, which made it slightly easier, but I don't know if we can continue like this. I think we're only alive by sheer luck.

Once again a clubbing approached and we could barely dodge it, but not everything went well. The troll's blow destroyed another part of the cubicles causing several pieces of wood to go flying with force, some of them going directly to stick in Hermione's calf.

"Aaahgg" He groaned in pain as she began to drain blood from her leg.

"Damn" I yelled in frustration.

I took out my wand and pointed it at the troll who was holding up his bat about to strike again.

"Bombarda-Confringo-Confringo-Bombarda-Confringo..." I cast uninterrupted spells at him and club him.

My spells slowed him down a bit, but due to the beast's natural magic resistance they didn't do anything more than superficial damage to him, and I knew if he stopped me he'd go back to where he was before.

With my other hand I was manipulating my blood magic to stop the bleeding from Hermione's leg, who was now sitting on the floor holding it and crying.

Even though I have good mana recovery thanks to the [Magician Essence] and the dishes I just ate, that didn't mean it could last forever.

The troll was in our way to the exit, if I stopped shooting it would attack us, if I didn't stop shooting and we got closer my spells would damage us too, and if I kept shooting I would run out of mana causing us to be killed if the help does not come quickly.

As I was about to scream in anger at my situation I could see the door behind the troll open and Harry and Ron, who now had a gauze pad on his nose, rush in. When they entered they were surprised at the troll that was being bombarded.

"You're late damn bastards" I yelled at them annoyed that they didn't arrive sooner, but I didn't lose my main objective. "Distract him" I yelled at them.

They were surprised by the situation and even though we don't have the best relationship, they still listened to me. The moment he stopped casting spell after spell, they threw things they found on the ground at him while yelling at him.

"HEY! Giant idiot, here" Harry yelled at him waving his hands, while Ron threw things at his head.

The troll who was taking a breather from my attack saw that someone was harassing him from behind and furious at everything he had suffered so far with me, he immediately turned around giving a shuddering cry as he once again raised his club to smash the new vermin. .

It was at that moment that I stopped using my blood magic to steady Hermione and pointed my hand along with my wand at him. A great bloody tide came out of me and flew directly to the troll's head, I was putting all my strength and concentration into this and maybe because of the emotional state I was in, the force of the bloody current was stronger than I expected. I can usually get.

Before the troll could complete his blow, his head was hit by a red liquid that stayed floating on him, forming a sphere around his head. The creature hit his face trying to remove whatever was covering him, and over time it grew more and more desperate. The blood was not separating from him and a large sphere, compared to his bald little head, was suffocating him.

He was using all my strength to keep the sphere attached to his head, while also causing blood to enter his nose, ears, and mouth, choking him to death.

The troll stopped struggling to get it off his face and started throwing random punches around him trying to get this all to end. Very clever for a creature of a stupid nature.

That's why I didn't do it before, if he was alone and hit me to attack me, taking into account where he was before he could end up landing the hit, since I couldn't move having to control the blood, but now with Harry and Ron there are more targets and I have more possibilities.

Harry and Ron dodged their punches for convenience in the script, I suppose, since they don't have the dexterity that I do and the punches were very random. On the other hand, I couldn't move much or very fast, and neither could Hermione because of the piece of wood stuck in her leg. The only thing I could do was stand in front of her hoping that luck smiles at us or that if she hits us she can withstand the blow, protecting Hermione and surviving the attempt.

Shortly after, as the troll fell to the ground, the door opened again allowing Professor McGonagall to enter along with Snape and Quirrell who were amazed to see how the body of a troll collapsed on the ground with a large ball of red liquid. in your head.

The blood on the troll's head lost its control as I relaxed as he fell to the ground. It spilled out onto the floor, staining everyone's shoes but Hermione and me as it formed a neat circle around us.

Professor Quirrell half jumped as blood ran under his feet, while Snape took a closer look at the troll. On the other hand, Professor McGonagall exchanged her look at all of us angrily.

"What were you thinking, for heaven's sake?" She roared, but I wasn't in the mood for a lecture.

"OHh sorry, it was my mistake, next time I'll just stand still while I let us DIE" she yelled with great sarcasm as she ran towards Hermione.

She was still on the floor, relieved that the teachers had arrived and that the troll was dead. But she was still crying over her pierced leg, only the adrenaline had allowed her to avoid the pain a bit.

With my blood magic I could clearly feel the condition of her leg thanks to the blood running through it. I moved my hands towards her and with a precision that I had never achieved before, I made the blood that came from her leg remove the small splinters from her body, leaving only the larger pieces of wood. Also, all of her blood that was on her and the ground seemed to come to life like snakes and, separated from anything external that was not her own blood, rushed out to go back into her body. Almost all of the blood he lost from her had returned to her by force of her, causing her to feel terrified and uncomfortable, but strangely it didn't hurt any more than she already did, nor did it feel any different from her.

Professor McGonagall was surprised by my response and after seeing me run to Hermione she could tell that she was injured, which she hadn't noticed due to the blood on the floor which made the color red a normal thing in the room. living. She walked over and was surprised at what she saw, it wasn't a common sight all I did, but still she bent down to check on her leg.

"Professor McGonagall I..." I try to say still sobbing.

"Shut up Hermione, you don't have to say anything," she shut him up, since she figured she would try to do what the original Hermione did to take the blame.

"Yes, Miss Granger, she doesn't need to talk right now, we need to get her to the infirmary."

Professor Snape also approached Hermione along with Harry and Ron who wanted to see what she was up to. Quirrell stood by the troll's side, touching it lightly with his foot.

When I felt that I had almost no blood magic left in my body to continue helping Hermione, I left a hand holding her wound while stretching my arm back.

From the troll's body, particularly from the small wounds caused by my spells, drop after drop of blood began to fly rapidly towards me. The wounds opened wider with each little bit of blood that came out and after a few seconds surprising those around me, the troll's blood began to flow in constant streams towards me. The blood hit my body, but ended up disappearing upon touching me, as it was actually consuming itself to regain my power, which I found out while developing my healing ability. She couldn't do it with the blood on the ground because that had already lost all energy within her.

When the troll was dry, I withdrew my arm and lifted Hermione off the ground princess style. She was embarrassed, but her pain prevented her from complaining without crying, she could only hide her head trying not to look at anyone. On the other hand, the other people were shocked by what I did, Professor McGonagall wanted to stop me for an explanation, but seeing Hermione's condition and my 'stop me and I'll stab you' expression she didn't.

"We have to take her to the infirmary" the teacher told us.

But I carried her to the middle of the room and didn't move from there, just fixed my gaze up.


It was a scream that echoed through the room and caused Harry and Ron to cover their ears. Even the blood on the floor seemed to boil slightly and exude an almost imperceptible red aura that began to waft across the floor in tandem with my howl.

The teachers were amazed because they felt the magic in my voice and not exactly a normal or good one. It was one charged with angry emotions that they could even feel as inside of them, very slightly, emotions of anger were beginning to arise against her will.

After my scream everything was silent, nothing happened, the children looked to both sides as if they could not understand what was happening or should happen.

"Mr. Weasley..." The teacher was about to protest when a bird song was heard from outside the room.

Out of the open door flew a beautiful bright crimson bird with a golden beak and talons and long tail feathers. He came flying towards the center of the room, while I raised one hand in the air while he tried to hold Hermione with only the other.

The phoenix passed just above me and I grabbed it by its legs, so that then the three of us would disappear in a burning flame of the place, obtaining the surprise of both children and slightly that of the teachers.


I'm leaving my city for a few days to see a doctor, not many, but no episodes until I get back. Forgiveness.

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