
Don't act like sore losers

"As we sat near the fountain, our Clothes soon got wet, everything became see-through, and obviously since our bodies were visible to each other in such an erotic manner, it became harder to control ourselves, therefore, we decided to move.

We didn't wish to ruin the beautiful Fountain, after all. We go quite wild when we do it, you see.

Anyways, we held each other's hands, then he carried me like a prince-"

"Right, Nux, I went to the Central Information Hall and established ExceedoGenesis Information Hall."

While Allura was talking about her lovely experience, Amaya suddenly interrupted.

The other women, who were about to bleed from their ears quickly understood what Amaya was trying to do, their deadpan expressions brightened up and Thyra quickly jumped in.

"Right, I have set up the ExceedoGenesis Assassin Hall as well.

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