

In a realm unknown to anyone...a realm dazzling with clear white light that will blind any mortal, the gods or protectors as they liked to call themselves had settled. This was where the protector's currently lived.

After the last war, they had decided to stick together since it became abundantly clear to them the mortals didn't need them anymore. They had stopped praying to them and only regarded them as myths fit for children.

The protectors on the other hand had let the mortals be. The mortals were not their playthings. If they no longer wanted to worship them, then so be it. Besides, the greatest threat to the mortal realm had been vanquished. Was it really necessary to force their presence on the humans?

Zeus, the eldest and most powerful of all the protectors was on his throne which was elevated a little above the other equally magnificent thrones spread evenly on either side of a large square table that looked to have been made from diamonds as it was glowing in the bright white light that seemed to be everywhere in this place.

'Hephaistos did an excellent job with that one,' Zeus thought appreciatively.

"Are you going to tell us why you've called us here?. We have businesses elsewhere.", a stern voice pulled Zeus out of his silent daydream.

"Patience Ares, I was just about to get to that," Zeus said as he glared at the stern-faced man who refused to back down.

Ares, the god of war was a well-muscled man who had scars from different battles adorning his body. He could have healed these scars a long time ago but had chosen to leave them. what for, Zeus didn't know and honestly didn't care.

"I was meditating not long ago when I had a visitor. He is someone we all know, and he brought devastating news that I'm afraid means trouble for us." He said to murmurs from the others. He understood their worry. There was even worse news on the way for them.

"What news did this person bring?". Aphrodite, a beautiful fair-skinned lady with whitish blonde hair asked.

"That news will be delivered by the person who brought it himself. Hermes!", Zeus called to gasps from the rest of the protectors. How long had it been since they had set eyes on Hermes? thousands of years.

He had refused to come live here with them after the last war. Opting rather to stay among the humans even after they had stopped paying homage to the gods. Whatever news had forced Hermes to leave his precious humans must be a big one.

The door to the right of Zeus opened and in walked a now healed Hermes. He was now walking fine without trouble, but it didn't take a genius to figure out that he had been in a major fight since there was dried blood all over his face and clothes which made him stand out among all the robed and pristine others.

The place was dead silent as the others set their eyes on him. Just what had hurt Hermes like so?, They asked themselves. "Tell them what you told me Hermes", Zeus ordered Hermes.

"Today, in a mortal town called Mid-mount. I was on my way home after visiting a place when I was attacked by a human", Hermes paused to let the murmuring die down.

"Silence!", Zeus roared which stopped the murmurs at once.

"No, it wasn't the human who did this to me. Well, he wasn't exactly a human but I still defended myself quite easily. During the fight, I noticed that person was displaying characteristics of one of the unnaturals that we banished. This person was showing the traits of a newly turned werewolf."

There was a loud bang as a fierce-looking woman with black hair and a large bow strung across her back leaped to her feet. "What?!!!", She shouted. This was the goddess of the hunt, and protector of animals, Artemis.

"Believe me, I was just as shocked as you are right now Arty. I didn't want to believe what my eyes were showing me. But just as I had convinced myself that I was mistaken and that the man was probably sick, a loud wolf howl rang through the whole town.

The man I had subdued was still growling on the floor but the moment he heard the howl, he fell calm at once"

"No!!!", Artemis shouted in disbelief.

"Will you shut up!", Another large bearded protector shouted at Artemis. This man was Poseidon. A no-nonsense protector that had little Patience.

"Yes, you are all right. That was an Alpha's command.", Hermes said. The others couldn't believe their ears.

"How did he escape?", Hera, a motherly-looking woman who was the wife of Zeus asked.

"I have an answer for that but let's hear the rest of Hermes's story first", Zeus answered.

"I followed the howl. And the feeling of evil in the air which led me to the woods at the edge of town. In there, I was attacked by none other than Brava, the werewolf. I would like to say I put up a good fight but that would be a lie. I was no match for him." Hermes sighed.

"Seems like whiles we've been growing weaker. The other side has been growing in strength. I was hurt badly in the fight that ensued. He would have killed my mortal body had I not surprised him with an attack. I quickly escaped from him and came straight here to inform you guys. Brava is back." Hermes announced to a stunned audience.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go there this very moment and kill that monster!", Artemis shouted.

"I agree with Artemis. Enough of imprisonment. Let's kill that animal", Ares shouted in support.

There were others that were nodding in support. Others just looked at Zeus, these were the ones who felt there was more to the story than just this, and they were right as Zeus was about to drop even more devastating news.

"You don't understand", Zeus started. "The werewolf wasn't the only one that escaped from Limbo. All the others that we trapped there have escaped as well." He finished.

The standing Artemis who was full of fire before plopped into her chair as she immediately lost all her strength. Ares's jaw was wide open and Poseidon was gripping his trident so tight, that Hermes was sure the trident was about to break.

Zeus understood their shock. They had bled and lost everything to keep these dangerous creatures locked up in limbo and now they had escaped. didn't this mean all their sacrifice had been in vain?.

He wished he could keep the last part of the news to himself but he owed them the truth at least. He didn't know how they were going to react but it was better they found out now than later.

"I know the questions you're asking yourselves right now. How did they escape?", Zeus proceeded. "I have the answer", the others felt their stomachs tense with nerves. They were dreading what was soon to follow.

There was a slight pause from Zeus which felt like an eternity to the others before he continued. "Hades. Hades has escaped. He was the one who freed the others." There was a thump as a protector fell off his chair and unto the floor in shock as he heard Zeus say this.

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