
Chapter 186 One clap and it's over, isn't it beautiful?_1

Wang Linger stood in front of Feng Lin, hands on her hips, and said, "I will not marry you!"

"Exactly! You don't want to marry, I don't want to wed, we're on the same page, so let's just part ways. How wonderful is that."

Feng Lin nodded vigorously and then turned to look at Wang De beside him.

Waiting for his response.

"Enough nonsense! Come with me!"

Wang De seized Feng Lin's shoulder and started to walk outside.

Wang Linger immediately followed behind Feng Lin, wanting to see what was actually going on.

The group followed the mountain path upwards.

Along the way, many Wang family juniors bowed in respect to Wang De.

Before long, Wang De was to be the Wang Family's new head.

At the mountaintop,

The scenery was beautiful, dotted with wide expanses of yellow rapeseed flowers adorning the peaks.

On the nearby clearing, there were several large courtyards.

There were three in total.

The Wang family's patriarch, Wang Shanwen, had three wives.

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