
Chapter 140 Too Naive_1

Ye Kai crashed into the ground with a thud, so much in pain that he couldn't utter a sound, rolling on the ground continuously.

Mr. Zhou Tian stood with his hands behind his back, his face expressionless as he said, "You called me what?"

The whole place was stunned!

Dark Energy Transformed!

Mr. Zhou Tian had broken through and entered the legendary Transformation Realm!

"Holy shit! What's been going on in Northern River lately? Suddenly, there are so many at the Transformation Realm level?"

"Yeah! Has Transformation become free or something? First it was the Qin family, and now it's Mr. Zhou Tian."

"I think Mr. Zhou Tian deserves it; after all, he had already reached the Dark Energy Peak years ago."


In the entire Northern River, Mr. Zhou Tian commanded a significant amount of respect.

Having been at the Dark Energy Peak for a long time and now stepping into the Transformation Realm after so many years seemed reasonable.

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